The Kingdom of Time

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"Are you ready, Izuku?" The purplehaired man asked his twin who was just getting started, Izuku wasready to end his day and take his rest while Hitoshi was awakeearlier than he should be and had just woken up. Because of thatIzuku was almost fully ready while Hitoshi wasn't even close toready.

"Almost. Go get dressed Toshi, I'll gather the rest of yourthings."

"Thank you Zuzu," Hitoshi used Izuku's nickname from when theywere children. Izuku stood and headed to where their luggage was.Both Izuku and Hitoshi had left the Palace of Time to the Palace ofthe Sun and the Palace of the Moon respectively, but the eclipse wascoming which would have to take place in the Kingdom of Time, so thetwo came back to their childhood home.

Hitoshi and Izuku had been taken in by the King of Day Hizashi andthe King of Night Shota. The twins loved their adopted fathers andlater on Izuku discovered and saved Eri. The three siblings werealways very close but because of who they were as Prince of the Sun,Prince of the Moon and Princess of Twilight they got to spendprecious little time together, when it came to Hitoshi and Izuku theyonly got to see each other for scant hours a day, at dawn when Izukuwas waking up and Hitoshi was preparing to sleep, and then again attwilight when Hitoshi was waking up and Izuku was preparing to sleep,Eri getting more time with each of her older brothers but only aboutan hour for both at the same time.

Izuku smiled as he saw his fathers and grinned at them, Hizashiimmediately grinned seeing him opening his arms and running to him,"Zuzu!" He yelled rushing to wrap his arms around the slim butmuscular young man who chuckled and hugged him back.

"Hello papa!" He chuckled, unlike Hitoshi and Izuku, Hizashi,Shota, and Eri were all representatives of a time of day as opposedto a planetary body and so were able to be awake and move easier."I'm just going to grab Hitoshi's luggage, he is just gettingready." Izuku explained waving goodbye to them, grabbing the bagthat he had left, Izuku had left his bag and Izuku had alreadygrabbed his own and so now got Hitoshi's.

- - -

Shota was never one for parties, but the eclipse was always a specialoccasion, especially now that his sons were gone into their ownpalaces, and sure his husband, Hizashi, and their last child who wasnot leaving as Eri would one day take over their Kingdom. But thiswas the only time that all their family could be together fully.

Shota wore his black pants tucked into his leather boots with indigostitching of irises, an indigo linen shirt with a deep blue vest thathad silver stitching of stars and moons, in his breast pocket a lily,his white scarf was still wrapped around his neck and shoulders.Though he normally would let his curly black hair down but when hehad to take the effort to dress in finery instead of just pants,boots and simple linen shirt he would take time to actually pull hishair up, using ebony hair sticks decorated with moons of differentphases and stars dangling, he needed to use four to hold his hair upfully before taking his crown that was was made of white gold and thehair comb crown was decorated with irises and dotted with peridot

Hizashi wore his own leather boots stitched in white lilies, he woresilk/linen dull green pants and silken tunic and though he normallyliked to style his blonde hair up in a gravity defying sweep butopposite of his husband when he already had to put so much effortinto dressing up as opposed to whatever he felt like putting on thatday, he did dress up sometimes but it was because he just felt likeit. When rules of court dictated that he needed to dress up he merelypulled his blonde hair into a simple bun and used his own hair combcrown, in yellow gold decorated with lilies dotted with diamonds, tohold it up. He even went as far as to cut the small mustache, unlikehis husband who left his scruff on.

Izuku and Hitoshi were in matching royal outfits, a habit that hadheld over from their childhood. They wore light armor; pants, whitefor Izuku and black for Hitoshi both wearing ankle high turnedleather shoes, tunics, yellow for Izuku and indigo for Hitoshi. Bothalso wore a chest plate, Izuku in bronze and Hitoshi in silver,Izuku's was stamped with a sun, along the bottom of the chest platewas spirals and on either shoulder was a sunflower, Hitoshi's wasstamped with a waxing moon, and along the bottom was stars in varyingsizes and at the shoulders stamped with moonflowers. Both wore theirtiara crown that matched their chest plate, Shinsou's was a largemoonstone orb that would change to show the phase of the moon, theorb being darkened by shadow to match the moon he represented,Izuku's had a large orb of sunstone that changed colors depending onthe sun, at dawn it was white, it turned yellow up to mid day, thenorange toward the evening, finally it turned red at sundown and wasthe normal burnt umber of a sunstone at night. Hitoshi wore earringsthat dangled and were made of platinum and on his left ear dangled aquarter moon and on his right dangled a star, Izuku's were studsshaped like the sun made of rose gold. Ever since the young boysbecame princes their bodies changed, Izuku's freckles would sparklewhen the sun was out and Hitoshi's eyes would shine when the moon wasout. The biggest difference between the brothers was Izuku's freckleswould shine and sparkle the same amount every day and time of day ifthe sun was out but Hitoshi's eyes shine and glow by how much of themoon was visible, the full moon his eyes would shine that even inpitch black two glowing purple orbs that looked magenta, while hiseyes were extremely dark mauve during the new moon.

Eri was just as ageless as every other royal but she still was justgetting to the age of fully gripping her independence, but she wasstill a child and content to be a child. She wore a long princessstyle dress that was purple for the majority of the dress, it hadprincess puff sleeves around the shoulder but came down to her wristin bell sleeves, the front all the way down was a light pink. Asapphire pendent was stitched in the very middle of her dress rightunder her collarbone. Her long white hair was pulled into triple bunsalong the top back of her head, hair sticks and small combs that weredecorated with cascading stars, moon phases and suns and spirals hung and decorated her white hair in every color from purple, to pinkto blue and orange. Her hair comb crown was a color transition thatwent from one side started at white before transitioning to pink,then moved to orange, purple, blue and finally black, it was stampedout in myrtle flowers dotted with sapphires.

 It was then that the festivities could begin. Izuku and Hitoshipreformed their duties as they had practiced and learned sincechildhood, it was the first time that they had preformed it asindependent princes.

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