Kingdom of Thunderclouds

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Denki spun around pointing at seemingly random locations but it wasfar from that. He was preforming his duties as the Prince ofElectricity, in another world the thunder boomed and the lightningflashed.

His mind wasn't on that though, what it was on was the ball that hewould be hosting. Normally he didn't care one way or another aboutit, though it was a nice chance to talk to different people. He wasthe furthest from viewing himself as different then those in hiskingdom just because he was royal, but unfortunately there was no wayfor him to talk to them without them knowing thanks to his veryobvious blonde hair with a black thunderbolt and bright yellow eyes.While most didn't try to take advantage of him but the fact remainedthey were very stiff. Always worried, it didn't stop him from talkingto them and most eventually did relax with him but it was nice totlak to people who weren't automatically nervous when meeting him.

He had hired musicians, cooks to make all kinds of delicacies fromhis territory. The Kingdom of Thunderclouds was known for their loveof sweets; sugar, candy, honey, fresh fruit, it didn't matter theylived for sugar. They were sugar fiends. The hardest thing whenhosting a ball that Denki found was trying to appease everyone'stastes. Between Kingdoms who ate six or seven light meals, to thosewho ate only one or two huge meals, those who ate almost only rawfood and those who ate mostly meat, those that ate spicy, and thosewho ate bitter. So Denki tried to offer up all kinds of food, but hischefs only knew how to make food that is what those who lived in theKingdom of Thunder would eat. They all made electricity, thunder andstatic, and it required a lot of energy meaning they needed thebursts of energy from the sugar.

Stillhe had them make plenty of food; Sage Crackers, thin crackers madewith sage and topped with apple butter, a block of aged cheddar, somevery crispy bits of bacon, and a pinch of chives, Vanilla Crackers,thin crackers made with vanilla bean instead of rosemary and it istopped with a silky chocolate sauce topped with a mint leaf andraspberry. Cucumber Pinwheels, sliced cucumbers topped with a creamcheese mixed with salt, pepper and chives, and dotted with a thinsliced stewed tomato sliver, and finally an Apple Croissant,croissant that is made in a a small circular shape than topped with athin sliced peeled apple and drizzled with honey. And thatwas just the appetizers.

Salmon cooked in orange marmalade, Midsummer Salad, salad made ofleafy greens, mandarin oranges, pine nuts, dried cranberries and adressing made of a mixture of honey, olive oil and rosemary. RhubarbPork, pork that is covered in honey and then cooked and topped with arhubarb chutney, and finally Chicken and Waffles, garlic and lemonchicken put in between two quarters of waffles with ketchup and maplesyrup to dip them in. Then also plenty of side dishes; sweet potatocasserole, bacon wrapped steak bites, jasmine rice, fruit salad,sweet and spicy curry, cinnamon mashed potatoes, and a pick of cookedvegetables.

Andfinally the snacks and desserts, pies, cakes, tarts, that was wherethe chefs got to make whatever they wished and plenty of sugarydrinks and juices. He was excited to see everyone, he had his closefriends but there would also be others coming as well, it would bethe first real ball of all the royalty, now that the Princes of theSun and Moon have come of age. Denki put on his own clothing, theKingdom of Thunder was known for being very relaxed and Denkiaccepted that with open arms.

He wore black trousers, plow man's leather turned shoes, and a whitetunic and black vest that he left open. The only thing that let himbe seen as the prince instead of a citizen, other then the blackthunderbolt in his hair that marked him as a member of the Kaminarifamily and the thunderbolt showing him to be Denki, was his coppercrown that was woven around quartz in hard sharp lines resting on hishead.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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