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~July 1985~

Never get too many musicians together for a party, because if you do, it will turn into a huge theatrical event that's too grand for your imagination.

After all the acts at Live Aid had wrapped up, and they announced the rather large sum of money that we had raised, we all made our way to the infamous afterparty. I wasn't even entirely sure how the place was able to hold all of us. For context, it was all the music acts, their teams, most of the backstage crew, and many of the workers for the Live Aid organization.

In the little party area they had rented out, there was barely any room to move around. We were all packed so tightly together. The only open area was the dance floor, which was mainly filled up with people that had taken too much liquid courage for their liking.

It was useless to try and play music here since the volume from everyone's conversations deafened it out. For most of the night, I stuck by the band's side, not wanting to get lost in the crowd. Freddie, in his typical fashion, was making big theatrics and commanding the attention of as many people as he could. Early on in the party, we had lost Roger who had sneaked off from the group. All of us decided he would most likely find his way home, or find himself at someone else's house. But I kept an eye out for him, not wanting him to be left behind and forgotten.

Knowing I would have to drive later on, I strayed away from the alcoholic drinks for the night. Freddie tried to argue with me, claiming that it would actually help my driving abilities by getting me more relaxed behind the wheel. But looking back on history, if I had just one drink, it would quickly turn into multiple, and I wouldn't even be able to make it out the door.

Lucky for me, there was something else on my mind all night. Since I was the only one relatively sober, it also meant I was the one taking care of all the drunk idiots surrounding me. From John needing medical attention from falling over while dancing, to ushering Brian to the nearest wastecan for hurling up all the contents in his stomach, I was running around making sure no one had died.

Heading to the bar, I needed to get something for Brian to help calm his stomach. "Could I get a water and a coke?" I asked the bartender. Confused at my non-alcoholic order, he turned around to get the simple drinks ready. Playing with my hands, I tapped my foot on the side of the bar to try and make the time go by faster.

"Not much of a party-er?" a mysterious voice asked me. I looked towards my left and saw a man about my age, much taller than me, with ruffled brown hair. He looked absolutely gorgeous, and was completely jacked out with his muscles. Based on his outfit, I assumed that he was here with the backstage crew.

"How could you tell?"

"Well, you're ordering a water and a coke at a party like this."

"Someone's got to be on high alert if one of my friends needs to get to the bathroom. Or the hospital."

"Really? Who are you here with?"

"My clients, Queen. And were you working on the stage...?"

"Uh yeah. I was on the construction side of things."

"Well, you did a great job. I mean, no one fell through the stage at any point during the performance."

"That's the strangest compliment for my work I've ever received."

"I'm honored to bestow that on you."

"I'm Casey, by the way."


"You know, I think I remember seeing you backstage. You were the one on the wings who was dancing, but was really only swaying back and forth, and tapping her foot."

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