some tea :o

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a.n the smol tea's coming up hehe good luckie <3 

y/n pov:

i went to the kitchen and made a small pot of maggie mee noodles as yeonjun gobbled the food down.

"are you THAT hungry?" i asked.

"nah, it's just your noodles are really nice," yeonjun said. my cooking isn't that good is it?

"mm sure then, enjoy your meal," i told him.

i went back into the living room to watch tv. soon, he came over and sat beside me after finishing his noodles.
"mm that was nice," he said.

"that's good you like it," i replied. he said something under his breath i couldn't hear so i asked him, "huh?" 

yeonjun pov:

"mm that was nice," i told her.

"that's good you like it," she replied.

"i like you more," i whispered silently, soft enough she couldn't hear.

"huh?" she asked me. is she 'huh'-ing to what i said or because she couldn't hear what i said. probably she didn't hear me, i made sure my voice was as soft as possible.

"nothing," i said.

"are you tired?" i asked, trying to change the topic.

"oh yeah, i am," she said, yawning. she looked out and told me, "the rain hasn't stop, i guess you can stay here for the night."

"where do i sleep then-" i asked. 

y/n pov:

"where do i sleep then?" yeonjun asked. my place was a one room flat only, small enough for me alone, where could i find space he could sleep? he was too tall he couldn't fit on the sofa, but i'm not giving up my bed to sleep on that sofa... ah yes, i thought of an idea.

"you'll sleep on the bed, but i'll put plushies between us. and YOU can't go past the plushies, okay?" i asked.

"okay," he replied.

i walked to my bed and placed a row of plushies in between.

"you sleep on that side, i'll sleep here. NO going past plushies, okay?" i asked.

"okay," he replied. i cuddled myself in my corner. it was so squeezy but i managed to squeeze in at my side. 

i turned and turned since it was so squeezy and finally rested. i opened my eyes and yeonjun was there staring at me. (a.n the plushies cover everywhere except the pillows it's hard to balance :o)

i turned around to face the other side and he asked, "you can't sleep? is it too squeezy?" 

"kinda..." i replied. i felt him take away one plushie as i turned around. he took the plushies on by one and threw them off the bed, thereafter pulling me towards him and wrapping his arms around me. my hands were on his chest as i stared into his eyes. i could feel my heart rate increasing...

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