the day wheat met

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You watch it happen in slow motion, but you yourself cannot move as your limbs are frozen. You watch as the baguette, golden and crisped to perfection, wrapped delicately in brown paper sail out of your reusable grocery bag.

You didn't realize that your swinging arms, and the fact you stumbled over your feet, could gather this much g-force to send the piece of elongated bread flying.

You watch as the baguette sails through time and space, small crumbs peppering your cheeks before it plops into a gross, muddy puddle. The plop sends shivers down your spine before you realize what had just happened.

Your friend Cara's eyes widen and quiver like she had just witnessed a murder. You bend down to pick up the now sopping stick of bread when Cara stops you.

"It's too late." Her head is bowed, her butterfly locs hanging over her face. "I can't believe it, we were going to make delicious bruschetta out of that damned thing."

You tighten your fist in irritation. "It is the most tragic tragedy." You mutter, standing back up. The tip of your sneaker squishes the gluten glob and turns it into a poopier mush. You grip your grocery bag more tightly now, afraid to let any more foods succumb to such a fate.

You let out a sigh. "It's my fault, I'll go back and buy another. You go back to homey-o and start making the main course." You pass Cara the bag, and she smirks. "If you drop the bread again, you don't get to eat the Spaghetti-O sausage deluxe I'm making."

You roll your eyes and bop your best friend on the back of her head before turning, and galloping back to the grocery store.

☻ ☻ ☻

You reach the grocery store in no time, your body practically sailing through the sliding doors. Your stomach grumbles and you scold yourself from being such a klutz, as you and Cara would be cooking up the bruschetta and Spaghetti-O sausage deluxe right now if it weren't your idiocy.

You make a beeline to the bakery section and swagger over. You spot the basket shelf where you got the bread and see that there is only one baguette left. Target acquired, let's move. You strut over and your hand moves to grip the baguette when-

"Excuse me."

It's like a scene from a movie, when two characters randomly meet and they are shocked as hell. Because you are surprised to see somebody else grabbing the last baguette as you were. Your eyes slowly travel to the person's face and you instantly blush because this man, this man is handsome! He has a pageboy hat pulled over his ash blonde hair which fluffed adorably. Your eyes travel to his body, and not only is this man handsome he is sporting the cutest outfit ever. He's wearing a lemon yellow shirt with an adorable sheep cartoon on it, and baggy jeans that were cuffed. A dark blue backpack is slung over his left shoulder

"Excuse me."

His voice snaps you out of your stupor. "This bread is mine." Immediately you get defensive. "No, it's not. It's my baguette." Your grip tightens on the bread, and you watch as he does the same thing.

"Ay, be careful, don't dent the goods."

You frowned. "But you just gripped it like I did." The handsome but irritating stranger tilts his head, and a smile spreading across his lips. "But I'm gripping it delicately. Now if you will just let go. Just wait for tomorrow when it's back in stock again."

You mind flashes back to the horrifying moment when the baguette flew into the poopy puddle.

"No! I need this baguette to make bruschetta with my bestie. We lost a baguette to a puddle from before, please we need this."

the day wheat met ➳ jimin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now