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"I saw your books" Bokuto said. Then there was a poof and Bokuto turned back into an owl.

"Great." Akaashi sighed. He picked Bokuto up and went to his room.
He plop himself to his bed and fell asleep. (a/n: It's like 12 something when Akaashi went to sleep- )

-4 a.m.-

Akaashi felt feathers on his face. He swept it away by his hand. He felt feathers after 4 times and instead woke up, annoyed by the feathers.

(a/n: I literally write this while in class- ) Akaashi woke up to Bokuto on top of him. "What are you trying to do?" Akaashi asked Bokuto. Bokuto just hoot and Akaashi got up.

Akaashi already finished getting ready and time to wake Kenma up.

After all that, Akaashi made breakfast and feed Bokuto.

"You ready?" Akaashi asked Kenma before opening up a portal. "Yep..." Kenma answered. "Good luck on your trip." Kenma nodded and went into the portal.

'Sending Kenma, check. Now, buy some groceries.' Akaashi thought and went to his room to get his bags. "Hoot hoot" Akaashi heard from behind. "I'm going to buy some groceries."

"And NO you can't come. Stay here." Akaashi said before Bokuto could even let out his excitement.

Akaashi said goodbye to Bokuto and went off.

A/N: I literally write this while in class and didn't even once payed attention

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