chapter 4°

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 It was night, jeong-ha was still working, she was making sure everything was organized, in place before she finished her shift

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It was night, jeong-ha was still working, she was making sure everything was organized, in place before she finished her shift.

The ringing bell signalling that someone had entered the small store, brought her back to reality walking to the front waiting in the back of the counter.

The person in all black gave her a weird vibe but she shook it off not thinking much of it, people would always go around in all black at night. It wasnt out of the ordinary. The man grabbed some snacks and put them in the counter. Jeong-ha scanned them and put them in a bag. "5.66" she said, the man was handing his money to her but before she was able to get it the sound of a window breaking was heard panick entering her mind, not knowing what to do the man himself was pointing at her with a gun she couldnt move. She saw how they took a piece of the flooring and went down like a tunnel under the store. She saw everything but the mysterious guy just stood in front of her calmly holding his gun waiting for his teammates to get the money from below that no one knew about. A loud gun sound went off making the man turn around to see a group of seven in black uniform with the logo nct in the chest side.
"Fuck" was all he said before grabbing a hold of jeongha putting her in a headlock in front of him, his gun pointed to her head. Dead bodies surrounded them all over the convenience store. "Move and she dies"- he said making the seven men turn their attention to them. "Dont move, jeong-ha" one of them said. The voice ringing through her ears but it was all too blurry for her- the panick and anxiety passing through every single part of her body. She thought that the day she died she would be happy too much suffering in this world. She just couldnt do it herself. So she wouldnt mind if someone else did it but now that she is held at gunpoint all of these thoughts came to her mind. She wasnt ready to die, she needed to find her soulmate she wanted to go on adventures, have a career, graduate from college. She needed to do so much but now she didnt now if she will ever be able to.
One of the seven stepped foward. "Killing a citizen wouldnt be such a good idea, would it? Underworld rules remember?"  The guy holding the gun to her head didnt say anything his grip on her tightening. "Let her go if you dont want to end up in a room where I with my little knive cut your tounge, then your fingers, after your eyes and lastly wrap you up in a gift box and send your head to your leader, now would you? I can gladly use some turtoring at the moment" the man could only chuckle at his statement "bold now arent we, messing with whats mine"- haechan the nct member said. "Let her go"- he gritted through his teeth. He had patience but not too much. He took action, before the man knew he had a sharp metal thrown to his arm. Letting go of jeongha, he stumbled back. "I warned you didnt I" "please dont kill me I have a family" haechan scoffed " what an awesome idea you just gave me, why not instead send your head to your wife and your fingers and eyes to your leader...what a great gift they would receive."
Another member came up to them putting some type of liquid into a syringe then proceeding to place the needle in the mans neck sending him into an instant sleep. "Take him to the base, we'll leave in another car, take jisung and the money with you" mark the leader instructed to chenle.

"Hey are you hurt?" Haechan asked trying to talk to the girl who was still in shock she wouldnt move or say anything. "Lets go we can get you treated" he said proceeding to touch her arm. The cold hand made her flinch. "Let me go i dont need your help i just want to go home" "you can go home after we check if you are okay come with me. I can take you with my member he's a doctor we dont have to go to the hospital." She didnt say anything giving him the signal to take her grabbing her arm he lead her to the black van outside. The rest of the members all gathered after they finished cleaning the mess in the store. They left a note with a check to the owner for the damage done to be repaired. Soon after they all left not a word came out of their mouths, just waiting to get to their base. One more succesful mission.

A/n: i dont know how to feel about this first time writing about crime and murders i guess i do have a wild imagination sometimes a little too graphic so it could get out of hand 😭 my mind surprises me too

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A/n: i dont know how to feel about this first time writing about crime and murders i guess i do have a wild imagination sometimes a little too graphic so it could get out of hand 😭 my mind surprises me too. Dont try me but anyways... See you next chapter

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