chapter 23°

799 15 0

"cut up three lines
like adidas,
she clean that
shit up with her nose"

"cut up three lineslike adidas,she clean that shit up with her nose"

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It was now a week since the announcement of the mission. The big group of people had been practicing non stop.

Hackers had their system up, analyzing all of district 8 CCTV footage. Day and night the members held meetings planning started.

Their uniforms were ready adjustments were made. Ten made a dress for jeongha. The red dress accentuated her curves. Up to her lower thighs enough to hide a dagger.

The medics had them go through a check up. Members ready for action. The bomb expert sat himself in a room making the bomb that would be needed for the first part of the mission.

All the members where currently gathered in the big meeting room. The 3 leaders informing them of the plan they had come up with, with the help of several members.

Mark spoke up "Shim jooyeon, is a 24 year old male who is currently the underboss. He works for Lee Do-han, our father."

"He's a young male, he will want more than just talking, jeongha. Try and keep him close to where other members are surrounding you. Do not follow him to a room." Kun adviced her.

"Johnny, haechan, jaemin, jeno and jisung you will be surrounding her. Blend yourself in, you're at a club." Taeyong instructed them.

"Johnny you will be the closest to the door. Jaemin and jeno don't get too distracted by the ladies. I need you alerted. Jisung you'll be off in a corner. Haechan, a couple tables away. Please whatever he does don't blow up our cover until we tell you that you are clear." Mark warned him.

"Okay now for the rest of the members" taeyong went on.

"WayV take down the bodyguards from the front and back. Xiaojun and hendery you will go to the back and guard the back entrance. Lucas and yangyang guard the front."

"Jaehyun, mark, sungchan, yuta and me will be the ones entering the back we will take down anyone near us, workers for them kill them off, we won't use our guns until we grab the files so we will be using these." Taeyong grabbed the small bottle of liquid and a syringe.

"Jisung and chenle made this, it will kill them instantly, if there are any civilians near put them to sleep. You will carry several of these syringes, our new uniforms were adjusted for easier access." 

"The rest we will go inside after they retrieve the files. Finish off all of them. Try and not kill as many innocent people, their first reaction is to run away. Don't hold them back let them. We'll deal with the police"

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