chapter 8°

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          "Who are you, cause something has 
               changed your not the same ..."

The sun finishing his shift, the moon entering hers

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The sun finishing his shift, the moon entering hers. Weeks had passed since she was in quarantine until further notice due to danger waiting for her in the outside world.

He was running some errands, and the girl insisted in going with him. He told her 'no' many times but she was stubborn and hopped in his sports car. She expected the car ride to be calm, but haechan thoughtotherwise. Revving the car a couple times before, pushing his foot into the pedal he drove off, recklessly but skillfully passing red lights and stop signs. But even then not a single car crash on the way. How? Well he is a a car racer #1 in korea, he did underground racing with other mafia gangs, illegally, they would all gather in a stadium at night. That is where they were heading. He didnt want her exposed to other gangs but she insisted. He told his leader to put extra security close by just in case.

They arrived at the stadium around 8pm, they entered their small tent for haechan to prepare for his race. Jeongha still not having a clue what they were doing in a stadium asked "what are we doing here?" "Im racing"
"Racing? Like racing cars? With other people?" "Yes" he said sighting already annoyed by her questions.

The black car with some gold stripes at the bottom, the yellow interior symbolizing his nickname "fullsun" given by his fans

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The black car with some gold stripes at the bottom, the yellow interior symbolizing his nickname "fullsun" given by his fans. He started warming up his car doing a few tricks throught the track. He wasnt nervous knowing he would win the race, but he was worried something would happen to her while he was in his car.

Haechan saw mark arrive, starting to relax he went up to him "mark hyung, are you racing today" "no, came to see you and orders of taeyong to take care of her" he said motioning his head to the girl admiring the cars all over the stadium. "Ok" "goodluck, dont get too cocky out there"mark said "yeah whatever" haechan replied smirking saying goodbye to mark.

He had gotten in position, his competition, was more like no competition, an easy win.

The gun was fired signaling the start of the race. Haechan being generous let, sunwoo, his competition go first, after letting sunwoo enjoy his few seconds in first lead. He drove off like lightning in a few seconds catching up to him. Lowering his car window, sunwoo noticing "enjoyed the few seconds in first place?" He said with the cocky smirk mark had warned him about. Haechan chuckled seeing sunwoo's face. He closed his window passing him. The adrenaline consuming him he felt his body relax to the speed. The way he loved the velocity, how it made his bones feel in cloud 9. Haechan's worries no where near his mind. He only though about this race and the amazing feeling of it. Like that he crossed the finish line, once again coming in first place, beating his own record.

*while he was in the race*

"Hey,,, uh mark im heading to the restroom"
Jeongha said. Mark didnt think nuch of it letting her go alone it was close anyway.
After a few minutes of her not coming bacj he decided to go check on her. Just as he was going through the stairs for the restroom he saw a car pulling out of the garage. Alarmed he ran to rhe restroom, not bothering to knock he opened the women's door and saw she wasn't under any of the stalls. He knew what had happened and he was fucked knowing he had to tell haechan. Running out to the race track he saw that haechan was getting out of his car, sunwoo catching up a couple seconds later. Going up to him mark said in a low tone "they took jeongha" haechan's face looking up at him with a blank expression, as if war was going to break out. Haechan looked back at his competitor, sunwoo, smirking and walking away. Haechan didnt think twice before hopping on hid car and driving off.

*In the mean time*

Jeongha had been knocked out with a gun when she had gotten out of the stall room. The man who had dressed up as a fan, was followed by another one in all black. They put a thick bag over her head, preventing her from seeing anything if she woke up while in the move.

They had met the others in the car, sunwoo being one of them. They took off on the van with 12 people in it one of them being jeongha.

They had been driving for a couple of minutes when she started to wake up, she started to panick making noises trying to get out of the rope holding her hands and ankles together. The members didnt do much letting her struggle knowing she was gonna stop any moment knowing she couldnt do anything about it.

Haechan's pov

Putting his ear piece that was in his car he connected to renjun. "Track her" "sending the location their moving so just follow where the gps tells you to go" renjun said seconds later.
"It's the boyz" renjun said in a hesitant voice knowing well that they worked for haechan's father who they all whole heartedly disliked.
"The boyz my ass" haechan said in an irritating voice harshly taking off his earpiece following the gps at full speed getting closer to them by the second. Renjun connected himself to the video camera in donghyuck's radio screen. Haechan heard him giving directions "we are sending backup dream and rookies are coming." "Dont do anything stupid wait until we get there you cant against all of them" renjun followed knowing how reckless lee donghyuck was when other bothered fighting him. Haechan hadnt aswered anything seeing the black van which he assumed was where she was being held in. The car in the front had sped up seeing how they had catched up to them. Haechan knew it would be risky but they werent near any cliffs, so he took out his gun putting his hand out the window and shooting at the tire exactly where he knew nothing would happen to jeongha inside. The car had moved in a zigzag motion a couple of times before stopping. He didnt waste time before going up to the van seeing the two front doors open. He saw the leader and another member getting off of the car. Guns pointed at him "give her back, before your mate dies in front of you" haechan stated. "Oiii lee donghyuck, we are the one's who have your little girlfriend dont get to smart with us." Sangyeon, the leader said a smirk plastered on his face. "Its HAECHAN for you" haechan said. Since he was close to the leader and his gun pointed to jacob the other member that was out of the car he decided to swiftly and fast make a move on him. Taking, sangyeon's hand he removed the barrel where the bullets where held he threw the gun far from them putting the leader in front of him his left hand on his neck and right hand holding the gun pointed to his head. It all had happened so fast, jacob had not been able to do anything but point the gun at haechan. "Give her back or i shoot him" haechan spoke in a determined voice. Jacob didnt do anything the silence taking over, sangyeon's heavy breathing being heard. The eye contact didnt last long seeing a black van pulling up, members of nct hopping out of the car in their black mission outfits, nct's logo on the bulletproof vest nine members coming out positioning themselves around the car guns pointed at them. The sound of a door opening made their eye's drift to her being held at gunpoint by sunwoo, the black bag no longer in her head she could see him, how he stiffed up his muscles clenching harder around sangyeon's neck. He could see her eyes full of fear even if she wasnt crying he could read her like a book.

"Who's winning now?" Sunwoo said grinning

"Who's winning now?" Sunwoo said grinning

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A/n: Well this was my longest chapter :)

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