This is going to be a challenge

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No ones POV:
They finally heard the school bell ring they started to see lot of ppl pull up to the school dream ran away from George and into the school waiting for his friend.

George on the other hand was a bit worried for dream,but he let it go and walked into the school over to his locker just to see a note.

Georges POV:

Dear George.
"Meet me in the bathroom at 10am"
From dream.

Why dose he want to see me.
Im not complaining but...what? George stop it's only 8:30am and your really thinking about him.

His dirt blonde wavy hair. Emerald green eyes. Wow. Okay okay stop. I'll just go and ask what he wants:) how bad will it be..

Dreams POV:
"Yo sapnap" dream said in a friendly voice. Sapnap replies "hey, I saw u with that dude" dream instantly panicked.
"Haha what dude??" Sapnap wasn't taking this crap.

"The one u fucking were standing with at the wall, you good bro"

Okay okay I need to say something an excuse. "He was at the school really early and I saw him so I decided to go up and say something. Well hurt him."

"YOU WHAT" sapnap nearly screamed.

"Ik Ik I should have never done anything to hurt him. George. His hugs. His hair. Omg" dream zoned out and got carried away (LOL)

Sapnap-"OooOOoOoo dream has crush🥱"

Dream-lNO I DONT plus I'm not gay"

Sapnap-"whatever you say dreamy boy"

Dream-"ok whatever I'm leaving"

No ones POV:
Skip to 9:30am-
Dream and George both went to there first class George went to English dream went to math.

Before they went to there classes they met each other in the hall way.

All they did was stand there staring only for a split second tho. What dose this mean?

Anyway in Dreams maths class there was a girl. Her name was Aurora. She had long blonde hair with sky blue eyes, dream loved seeing her,but George always was on his mind. That hug they had.

George's POV:
Okay it's nearly 10am I finally get to see him.See dream.
Skip to 9:55am-
"Um may I go to the bathroom" George says in a soft voice to his English teacher.
She said "yes of course"

I got up walked out and walked down to the bathroom and I waited. It's was now 9:58am. I don't think he is gonna come.
I'm so stupid.

Dreams POV:
Its 9:59am okay what do I do I'm bored:/
Wait oh shit- George. I have to see him in the bathroom omg I forgot. "I feel sick can I go to the bathroom" my teacher replied "yes I guess"

No ones POV-

Dream ran to the bathroom quickly George standing there against the wall standing there on his phone. Waiting. He started to loose hope.

Then he saw dream walk in. They stood in silence, dream was 5 minutes late but it was okay George didn't mind.

Dream finally said something.

Dream- "hey"

George-"um hi"

Dream-" I um am sorry for being late"

George "no no it's okay, why did u want to meet here?"

Dream-"I needed to see you"

George-"um- dream?"

Dream-"oh oh sorry um I just-I thought u could forgive me for everything I have done to you um I know u won't but.."

George-"dream I wish I could"

Dream-"why can't you tho why cant you just-" dream was tearing up.

Dream was cut off by arms wrapping around him. It was George. Dream looked down at him in shock but he hugged back.

George-"I don't know why I cant but I know what I can do. I will help you:) please let me help you."

Dream pushed George off.

Dream-"I wish I could tell u everything but what I have done to you I just can't tell you.

George-"how am I supposed to help you if your not going tell me whats wrong dream."

Dream-"I thought you hated me why are you so nice"

George-"you need it. When u were crying earlier I-I saw a different you the other side of you the broken side."



Dream-"I-Im homeless and i ran away from home but I still do school I don't know why but I live in a park on a bench."

George-"you what. Why didn't you tell me or someone. I have my own house, I couldn't deal with living with ppl anymore"

Dream-"I guess"

George-"um you can live with me. I have a spare room"

Dream-"no. I-I will do something to you if I get angry."

George-"it's okay dream. I will help you I promise."


George-"meet me after school outside the gates:)"

Dream-"okay we should go back to class now"


Dream and George both carried on with there day class to class. Until the end of the day.

Anyway follow my tiktok @flowmcyt
860 words wow🤣🤣🤣)

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