Dream, Why

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Sapnap brought dream and George over to the circle. Aurora was there. Dream looked at her only for a bit tho and he remembered her blonde long,
hair and her sky blue eyes.

Anyways dream and George sat down in the circle there was a few of Sapnaps friends. George kind of just looked at them for a bit dream just normally sat down.

It was a few minutes into just sitting there but one of the boys in the circle finally said something.

Alex-"so you wanna play a game something...."

Another boy replied.


Sapnap-"let's play.....spin the bottle;)"


Dream and George haven't even drank anything yet but the others have. I don't they really wanted to play but they weren't just going to walk off so they decided to play.

Alex-"so who's going first to spin it"

Sapnap-"I will!"

Alex-"ok go"

*the bottle landed on Karl*

Dream-"ok you too in the closet"

*Sapnap and Karl walk in the closet*

They were only the for 2 minutes.

<Nothing happened they just talked:)>

Skip 30 minutes*

Dreams POV-

Lots of ppl have joined....since the last 30 minutes and the only ppl that haven't went was me,George and Aurora.

Karl-"Aurora it's your go"

Please don't get George please don't get George

*it lands on dream*

Oh shit- um......

Aurora-"u don't have-"

Dream-"no no it's okay"

Karl-"okay go ahead you too"

No ones POV-

Dream and Aurora walk into the closet in silence but he finally says something.


Aurora-"Um hi."

Dream-"we can le-"

Aurora grabbed dreams face softly and slowly kissed his lips. Dream kissed back.

Dream-"Aurora I- got to go"


No ones POV-

Dream ran out of the closet just to see an empty space in the circle it was George.

Dream-"sapnap where is he."

Sapnap-"oh um he left when you went in the closet with Aurora...."

Dream-"do you know where he went?"

Sapnap-"I think just outside"

George's POVs

Skip back to when the bottle landed on dream-

What if it lands on dream please no.

Ofc it had too.

When they walked into the closet all I could think about was him. The fact he was with someone. Someone that wasn't me.

I had tears in my eyes I couldn't handle it anymore why do I care so much. I need to leave, or even get fresh air ok ok.

Ima going to go outside and just clear my head behind the wall.

No ones POV-

Dream ran outside to look for George he couldn't see him,he felt guilty he only went in the closet to get George out of his head.

Until he heard sobbing behind the wall.
He knew it was George,he walked around to see and there was George head in his knees sobbing.

George realised dream was there and said.

George-"what do you want"

Dream-"why are you crying."

George-"dream why, why did you go in with her"

Dream-"i-I don't know"

George-"what do you mean you don't know." George said still crying

Dream-"I-I why do you care.."

George-"why do I care? BC I CARE ABOUT YOU DREAM."

Dream-"what I- I care about you too but."

George-I care about dream not just as friends as more than that since we lefts school ur non stop on my mind.."

Dream-"George I'm sorry I didn't know"

George-"well how do you feel dream?"

Dream-"I d-dont know"

George-"love me or leave me?"

Dream-"you can't do this.."

George-"oh I think I can"

George-"come back to me when u decide."

George started to get up and leave.

Dream-"George wait please"

George didn't wait he just kept walking until he arrived at his house when he did he just went up to his room and cried into his pillow.....

//okay yall thought u would get it;))) LOL u will soon maybe next chapter🤫🤫🤫 anyways dream alt stream 👍🏻 💕👍🏻💕👍🏻💕👍🏻//

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