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August's Point Of View

I know yall saying that I'm a big liar but I don't like to see my bae hurt.The reason why I hurt her is because she never has time for me and is always busy.So I enjoy myself while she's gone to the studio.My phone began vibrating and saw one of my side chicks messaging me,so I went over to my phone and answered the call.

Side Chick:Hey Papi...I'm a little bored over here.Come and entertain me.

Me:You know I cant,my girlfriend is right here.

Side Chick:Aww..ohk but I bought two other girls by my'll miss the foursome..

Me:Ohk!I'm coming...I can't afford to miss this.I'll be over in 10 minutes.

Side Chick:Ohk..see you there.*hangs up*

I saw Nicki asleep so I guess I could go and have a 'little' fun.I grabbed my keys and my phone and sped off in my black lambourghini.

Nicki's Point Of View

I woke up and discovered that I was the only one in the bed...Where the hell is this nigga?He didn't even leave a note!I got out of bed and called one of my closest friend,Karrueche.

Nicki:*hears moaning*

Karrueche:Umm..I'll call you right back..

Nicki:Ohk..*hangs up*

I guess I called at the wrong time..I guess her and Chris having sex.......After a few hours later,August came through the door...I went up to him and the first thing that hit my noes was the smell of another woman's perfume.

Nicki:*backs away*Why are you smelling like women's perfume?



To be continued!


1.)Who do you think the side chick is?

2.)What will August say?

Read it and then comment and tell me if you like it!!You can also vote! :)

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