Chapter 23

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"And that's how I ended up here... In Fir Creek..." Henry said softly, his sweat-matted pressed against Thomas' damp glowing skin as they lay in bed entangled in each other's arms; Henry circling Thomas' nipple with his finger as the taller blond ran his finger tips up and down the vertebrae of Henry's spine.

"Well, Henry Aldringham." Thomas smirked as Henry felt the handsome man's deep, masculine voice vibrate through his chest. "It's a pleasure to officially meet you." Henry rolled his eyes playfully, as he snuggled into the taller man's muscular pectorals.

"The pleasure is all mine." Henry smirked, biting his lower lip sultrily. "I am truly sorry for having deceived you, but I trust you understand my predicament."

"That I do..." Thomas playfully pulled ruffled Henry's soft dark hair. "And don't worry too much about getting into legal trouble whilst here, I hear the Constable here in Fir Creek is a big 'ol softie."

"I wouldn't say that..." Henry flirted cheekily, propping himself up and straddling Thomas' manly waist with his defined adonis belt and playfully walking his fingers up the man's defined abdominal muscles and strong, muscular pectorals with just the right amount of manly hair that exhumed masculinity while not being excessive. "I don't do this sort of thing often, Constable. So consider yourself very lucky." Henry teased, biting his lip sultrily and earning him a cheekily cocked brow from the handsome blond.

"I already do, Doctor." Smirked Thomas with a newfound confidence that Henry found terribly attractive as he blushed bright red and lowered his gaze bashfully. "I don't do this sort of thing often either... But this time was by-far more memorable than the rest." Thomas Henry by the wrists and in one swift motion flipped him over and pinned him playfully on his back against the bedding.

Henry cocked his brow with a smirk as he shook his head at the rather indecent compliment. Thomas smirked into another kiss, starting with a peck and growing with passion the longer their lips remained in contact.

"We really ought to get dressed, the boys will be awake soon." Henry broke off the kiss, prompting a grudging groan from the taller blond who flipped over to lay on his back next to the very flustered raven haired lad. Thomas ran his hand through his disheveled blond hair, glancing down with a smile creeping over his handsome face as he felt Henry's soft supple skin against his, curling up into his body.

"I wish we could stay like this forever..." Thomas snaked his arm around Henry's waist and pulled him closer. "But I daresay you're right."

"As would I..." Henry shot him a knowing glance, earning him a playful frown from the handsome young Constable. He curled back up into Thomas' warm embrace as thomas placed a loving kiss on atop his raven black hair. "Thomas?" He asked, feeling the vibrations through Thomas' torso as he hummed in acknowledgement. "What does this mean? For us, I mean."

"Two years ago I fell head-over-heels infatuated with a boy with deep blue eyes, hair dark like the a moon-less night, and skin as white as he Cliffs of Dover." Thomas lovingly caressed Henry's cheek with the back of his hand; his knuckles gently grazing his soft alabaster skin. "I knew nothing about him, only that his eyes were caring, genuine and true." He reached over towards the bedside table, picking up he exquisite gold smiling as he gazed down at his beautiful engraving, red enamel work and tastefully encrusted diamonds. "I tried to find some sort of lead through the RAMC or the War Office, but to no avail. There were thousands of medics with the Royal Army Medical Corps, and 'blue eyes and dark brown haired English captain' didn't exactly make headway. I even tried going to a jewellery appraiser to see if they'd be able to find anything on the watch to identify it; he said it was a Fabergé and suggested it might've belong to a Russian soldier from a prominent family, but that only added more confusion into the mix. I went on with my life when I got home, but I never forgot you even though I hadn't even seen your whole face..."

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