-(?) Prologue (?)-

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A/N: Read the 49th part in 'My Hero Academia: Meeting the Dekuverse!' This is the exact same as the part in the previous book! If you came to read, good luck, I might add CHEESY, CRINGE stuff without proofreading! :'V Spare me.


*mha teleported*

Deku: Wha... what just happened?

Todoroki: Cookie was glitchy all of a sudden, and she said some weird stuff.

Uraraka: I think she was saying that there might be no more of this. At least.

Iida: That was a bit dangerous! Why didn't she warn us?!

Bakugo: Heck, I'm sure she's glitching out.

Kirishima: Hey, uhm... guys?

Bakugo: Huh?

Kirishima: We're not in our world. Seriously.

Todoroki: Yeah, where are we?

Iida: Guys.

Iida: We might be in another game.

Bakugo: AGAIN?

Iida: Yeah, but this looks... more creepy. And we each have headphones.

Uraraka: How is it creepy, we're just in a room.

Deku: We're in some sort of office. With cameras and 2 steel looking doors.

Kaminari: Now THAT sounds creepy.

Deku: What?

Kaminari: What if Cookie meant to take us to our own dimension, like our... world?

Deku: Hmm. What's creepy about that?

Kaminari: Why would there be metal or steel doors at an office? Like it's meant to protect from something.

Todoroki: Guys, look at the cameras.



Bakugo: ... is that a robot?

Uraraka: It looks like it... and... it's looking at the camera...

Kirishima: I'm scared. I'm going to shut my mouth. It's not manly, but I just don't feel like talking.

Todoroki: You need energy.

Kirishima: Where?

Todoroki: It comes at a random time.

Deku: Wait...

Deku: Please don't tell me we're at a certain restaurant.

Iida: What? What's wrong with a restaurant?

Deku: This is another fandom's world. That's what I think.

*radio started acting up before it stopped*

???: Hello? Is any of you listening? *static*

Iida: !

???: I didn't think you would end up here. Cookie probably messed up something. Now I have to deal with you. Ugh.

Bakugo: Just WHO are you?

???: I'm thinking you guys must know who I am? I'm a new character of Cookie. A redesign. A new controller. A new person. Cookie controls this one place. The theater she made. Out of her imagination.

???: I'm taking over her. Cookie's no longer... me.

???: Call me. Phantom.

Everyone: ...

Phantom: Well! Welcome to the second fandom and game!

Deku: I thought it was a game. Guess I was right.

Iida: You said it was a restaurant though.

Deku: Yeah. I think I know this game before. But never played it.

Phantom: I never played this game before. *sigh* I should've played this game. Cookie was the first to make chapters of you playing the game called... Among Us. If I played this game, I can guide you through this without... getting a scare suddenly.

Phantom: Are you understanding, everyone (including you readers.)

Everyone:... (thinking) no.

Phantom: Cookie is no more. I am taking over. Each of us gets to make a chapter of you guys playing one game.

Phantom: Welcome to... Ṯ̷̢̡̢̡̢̨̡̧̢̧̡̢̧̮̱͎̞̱̞͔͇̬͚̹̖̟̦̮̻̬̩͚͈͕̥̰̞̘̪̣̤̦͈̘͙̦̩̙̜̪̭͚̺̱͚̹̺͓̜͈̭̳̺̝̮̲̥̞̞͕̭̯̲͕̟̗̖̳͎͉͙̺̗͓͔͉͈̹̮̹̪̼̗̘̝̭̤̰̫͇͉̩̠̠͇͎͕̳͖̬̘̪̺̱̞͎̮͕͇͉͕͖̝̣͍̲̹͚̏̿̃̀̒̒͂̐̇́̂̇͊͊͋̈́́̿̿͋̈́̌̂̀̈́̍͊̈́̄̈̑̈̅̿̆̑͋̈͋̉̎͂̅̓̔̂̅͆̎̾̏̽͒̆̎̒̌̾̄͛͂̀͆͆̎̊͂͊̽̏͆͒͗͑̄͒̒̄̽̔̉̀͊͂̿̽̚̕̕̚͘͜͜͠͠͝͠͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅḪ̴̢̡̧̨̧̨̨̢̢̧̢̡̢̧̧̢̛̛͙̺̫͓̥̰̲̘͚͈̥̗͍͖̩̼̫̝͉̗̺̪͙̥̭͔̮͔͙̥͉̫̤̺̝͈͍̣̻̟̦̞̝̗̝͔̲̲̳̙̫̗̙̟̝̩̘̹͓͙̩̜͓͙̬̻̰̦͇͎͍̣̯̦͍̮̻͚̜̻̪̳͉̼͚̱̪̳̝̝̗͔̱͋̌̆̉̏̀̐̄͐̾͑͗̓̀̑̈́̌̇̇̂̄́̒̀̓̓͑̿͂̇͛̈́͑̌́͂͆̋̈́̓̓̿́͊̃̓̐̈́͌͑͑͊́̍̿̅̇́̿̅̓̎̇͌́̃͋͗̚̚͘̕͘͜͜͝͠͠͝͠ͅÈ̸̪̂̑̌͊̀̅̾̆́͐̈́̓̆̈́́̓̈̈͛̃͛͌̈́̓̋̓̊̑̓̈́̈́̊̈́̎͂͊̇͑́̈́͌̋͆́͌̑͌͌͋͂͋̔̏̃͂̓̊͌̊̉̒͆̆́̄͌̒̐̑̂̎̅̑̆͋̔̑̄̍͑̐̇̍̄̎̅̐͊͋͆̍͗́̅͒͌͐̐̆̒̽̎̍́̇͌̎͋̚̚̕̕̚̕͘̕̕͘͠͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͝ ̶̢̨̨̧̡̢̢̢̧̡̧̢̢̨̱̺͎̮͍̹̲͉̤̝̘̙̺͖͎͓̮͙̫͓͈̤̝̱͉̗̱̳͓̝̞͓̠̩̪͓̥͉͕̮̩̝̦̣̦̫̣̘͎̮̤̭̭̬̭̰̻̦̥͇̩̹̠̥̤̹͕̦̝̻̲̹͙͉̘̺̘͕̦̗̹̰̩̘̫̗͖͓̤̰̝̘̗͔̥̩̘̣̘̫͈͇̹̬̹̯͕̦̯͚̰̩͈͍̥̺̞͖͙̙́͊͐͒̋̐̑̋̽͊̈́͘̚̕͜͜͜ͅͅͅF̵̢̧̛̛̛̛̛̛̗̟̩͈̫̘̞̞̲̬̟̞̖̭͎̖̭͈̬̳̮̤̖̱͚̪̹͚͇̙̪͕̈̽̃̏̑͒̈́̇̌̒͂̿̈̊͋̔̆͐̉̓̓̆͒̔̀̌͛̊̑̀͐̊̉̉̈̾̒̀̐̆̈́̂͒̉̈͊̈́͑͂͌̍̇̿̆̏͒͗̈̐̍̌̔͒͋̈̂̆͆͊̿̋̅̂́͂́̑͊̽͌̽̀̑̎͆̄̃̿͐́̒͛̄̋̓̔̃͗̍̒̇̆͌̂̄̏̔̏̽̑̋̆̃̏̕͘̕̚̚̚̚͘͜͝͠͠͠͝͠͝͠ͅN̶̡̡̢̨̢̪̲̩̹̜̜̰̣̤̮͍̯̘̣̮̫̝̱̰̺̩̼͕̟̗͙̦̰͉͔̠̳͔͕̂̾̽̍̊́̄̐͊̿̈̈̀́͋̇̉̌̍͐͑̄͂̾̿́̓͜͜͝A̸̡̢̧̛̛̛̛̛̩͍͍̼̭̖̙͖̬̟͇̳͖̙͓̫̩͇͆̀̀̈̓͗̐͑̊̌͒̆̎͊́̔̂͂̒̿̐̌̅̀̈̔͂̒͊̈́̓̿̍̊͌̽͂̀̾̍͑̄̽̀̒͗̇̈̑̓̆͐̆̓̾̔́͋̅̑̽̿̉̀͌͑͐̐̉̇̎̓̉̊̾̓̐̎̄͛͗̑̕͘̕̚͘̚͘̚̚̕̕͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͠ͅF̴̢̨̢̨̧̢̧̡̢̧̢̢͈̰̝̞̺̠̻̩̩̼̮͍̳̥̩͖̖͍͎̫͔̳̤͔̬̥̺͚͍͔̠̙̮͕͖̯͚̹͚͉̭̫̜̱̹̲͚̳̰̝͈̗̟̙̦̫̤̰̬̮̻̞͈̖̞̞̱͙͎̤̙̞̺̺̠̲̬͙̫̋̃̾̎́͜ͅ ̸̧̡̢̡̡̛̮̥͓̘̲̖̩̺̬̣͚̺̬̤͍̭͉̲̥͙͖̠̻̱͉͚̙̟̺͓͎̠̬̲͈̹̞̠̰̯͚̙͉̪̘̙̮̰̺͙͈͕͇̤̪͔̣̼͎̬̲̬̰̹̩͈͇͎̫̲̲̼̙̻̈́̃̀̋̾̓͑̓̉̆̀́̍̾̅̌̆̽͗̄̃̌͛̉̈́̑̔̒̉̆͐̓̊͋́͌̂͗͋͑͂̈́͊̇̈́̒͐̍̆̃̽̊̄̅̉̑̊͊̽̅̅͐̂̍̂̈͌̉́͒̾̈͛̇̽͗͆̑̿͗̔̃̾͆̃̿̕̕̕̚̚͘̕͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝G̸̢̢̧̡̨̨̡̨̢̨̢̛̘̦͙̥̦̭̟̖͔̼̻̭̩͍̗̯̻̺͍̝͔̻̳̺̹͉̗̜̼̻̭̪̥̦̯͍̝̭̲̘̼̗͚͕̟͍̦̘̤̹̭̞͚̗͈̤͓̖̝͕̬͓͔̺͚̪̙̹̺̼͔̃̾̾̅̓̿̈̓̓̓̅̀̿̂͌̆̈́̂͛́̎̽͐͂̀̈́̂̒̐̈́̔̽̒̇̿̄͗̾͆́̽̃́̈́̑̒͛͗̐̾͐̿̊̑̾̒͗̔͛̊̅̄̆͆͒̊̎̌̇̀̐͊͌̿͌̈̑̔̍̃̚̚̕͜͝͝͝͝͠͠͠͝͠͠͝͠ͅͅͅͅA̴̢̧̨̢̧̨̛̛̛̛̛̝̣̱̯̤̜͎͔͉̯̺͈͙̦͉̼̹͔̪̣̬͈̦̣̜͎̭̻̬̰̫̩̜̤̥̣̗̪̤͕̱̥̲̞̟̘̘̩̤̖̣̳̝̤̺̳̙͕͙̭̮̤̩̠͖̖̩͇͙̣̼̰̯̰̓̔̔̉̏̏̐̀̆͐̾͐͆͌͑͗́̋͋̇͑̓̌̇̈̎͐̍̓̅̾̀̃̈́̏͐̑̑̎̉̈̾̔͂͆͋̒͛̅̀͛̅͆́̽̃͊̅̄̇̎̍̽͂͆̅̌͑͐̈̏̌̿͂͆͐͗̄̇̍̀̉͐̓̑͗́̊͂́͑͘̚̕͘͘̕͜͝͠͠͠͝͠͠͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅM̴̨̢̧̨̡̢̢̡̧̢̢̛̛̛̮͍͓̜̺̺̲̼̟̜͉̣͍͎̻̥͍̤̼̺͉͔͉̰̱̣͍͍̤̖̼̠͕̰̘̲̯̱͚͈͈̝͙͙̬͖̱̳̪͎̲̲͖̱̫̭̻̳̼͎̦͔̪̝̞̺͉̠̖̞̠̞̥̤͓̺͉͕̼̫̬̬͙͍͙͓̰̪͎̱̺̝̭͔͈̞̥͓̟̼͎̮͎̬̲͇͉̤̲̞̩͎̱̝͍̫̞̘͚̥̜̲̲̪͗̒̀̐̈́́̋̽͋͒̅̀̎̀̆́͐͋͊͒̈̓͗̓̆̈̈͊̉͐̂̔̾̆̃̽̾̑̍̂̉̈́͆̃̃͒̿̔͋̒̒̅͑͛̐̑̇̆̄̔̊̃̎̒̎͑͊̑͊͂͋̊̏̚̕̚̕͜͜͜͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅȨ̶̦̣͕̜̤̙̱͔͓̲̤̮̮̣́̃̽̄̀̿͊̑̄̾́̋͛̂̋͛̀̓́͐̋̊͂̈́̍̌̈͒͛̄̋̎͆̏͐̕̕̕͘͘͘͝͝͠͠͠͝


A/N: That's the prologue, if you already read this, then... I guess you enjoyed my cringe story of 'My Hero Academia: Meeting the Dekuverse' and I am glad you did! If anyone is not interested in FNAF, sorryyyy

Also, how do you like the cover? I drew it myself, heh! :)

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