-Playing FNAF 4 (Part 1)-

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... I'm going to be honest, I don't really know much about FNAF 4- but please know thatI am trying my best here-

//FNAF 4 Game System ... activated// Starting now.

5 days until the party

Uraraka: Aw, it's only 5 days left? How unfortunate.

Phantom: As if the days are unfortunate- something else is unfortunate later on.

Todoroki: If we ask what, would that be a spoiler to the game?

Phantom: Eeeee... yeah. It would be a spoiler.

(Fredbear plush /pixilated/ appears on screen)

Phantom: Also, that plush's eyes can move. And Iida, would you mind controlling C.C for this, after the plush disappears, please?

Iida: (confusion but accepted) Sure. 

Fredbear plush: What did he do this time? 

Uraraka: I don't know, who is the he? (Was asking back)

Deku: Uraraka, shh-

Uraraka: (whispers) Sorry...

Fredbear plush: He locked you in  your room again.

Iida: I don't like how this is going now.

Todoroki: The plush can talk. Is that a quirk?

Phantom: ... I have no clue myself. (Honest)

Fredbear plush: Don't be scared, I am here with you. 

Kirishima: That kinda made me relax-

Bakugo: Stupid plush.

(Screen switches to C.C crying //as usual// and the plush on his bed with white eyes that can follow his movements)

Iida: Oh that's my cue. (Tries moving C.C and soon got the hang of it.) Alright, what do I do-

Phantom: Just move around. 

Iida: (does that) Woah, the plush's eyes DO move- holy.

Todoroki  What happened to the  red plushie by a pile of plushies? It lost a head.

Phantom: If only I knew.

Iida: (goes up to the door and pounding noises) Is that C.C trying to pound on the door?

Bakugo: Seems legit like it.

(Deep Laughter)

(C.C lay on the floor with his arms wrapped around his legs, crying)

Fredbear plushie: Tomorrow is another day.

Bakugo: The hell- there's more?!

Uraraka: What was that? Or- WHO was that?

Phantom: Me assuming his brother. The one who locked him up in his room.

Kirishima: That dude is not manly at all! 

Todoroki: Why does C.C remind me of me when I was little?

(Screen switches to the game mode)

Phantom: Alright, chop chop! Get to your positions. You may never know if they take it easy on you or not.

Kaminari: Bro, how do I hold the closet door?! (Tries to open and close the closet door while slipping)

Kirishima: You asked for the closet door,dude.

Kaminari: I didn't think it wouldn't have 'knobs,' idiot!

Bakugo: Shut the flip up you two extras!

(Listen carefully! If you hear breathing, hold the door shut! If you do not hear breathing, then use your flashlight!)

Uraraka: Alright- this is almost similar to the office one

Kaminari: Wait, these nightmares can breathe?!

Todoroki: Let's just get through with this night.

(Until 2AM //because yeah, time skips//)

Bakugo: Hell, no one's appearing on the bed, even when I use  my flashlight!

Uraraka: I think we'll suffer later on, who knows.

Bakugo: The plush on his bed looks like Freddy.

Deku: It does, and it's probably the Freddy plush.

Iida: It's almost 6AM, that was fast!

Todoroki: It's... 3AM, Iida.

Bakugo: (checks the bed) Nope. Nothing here.

Kaminari: I am legit looking in the closet and there's nothing there but clothes. But I doubt that.

Uraraka: Time goes so fast. 

Kirishima: Who usually comes here at the two doors?

Phantom: Find out yourself.


Deku: (checks bed)

(Nightmare Freddy's Freddle appear)

Bakugo: What the heck-!

Deku: (flashes lights on it until it disappeared)

Kirishima: That looks creepy.

Iida: Wait until we meet bigger ones- they'll probably be more creepier.


Bakugo: (checks bed and a Freddle was just about to appear and left within a second) 

Bakugo: *sighes*

Uraraka: I love the cricket sound

Soon (again) 

Todoroki: It's still 5 AM. Let's just get this over with. 

Kaminari: I am regretting my position now.

Kirishima: You don't need to repeat that again, Kami.

(6 AM) ( alarm clock show 06:00 in red)

Bakugo: Flipping FINALLY

Todoroki: You getting bored over there, Bakugo?

Bakugo: ... hate to admit, but yes. NOW F(lip) OFF ICYHOT

Todoroki: *sarcastic gasp* My ✨f e e l I n g s✨

Uraraka: It was getting boring over here, too, but I doubt it'll stay like this forever.

Phantom: Well done. You have found a Freddle! At least you all didn't die. Well- for Deku and Bakugo, that is.

Deku: I didn't think they can be that scary up close, their heads were even shaking like they have a malfunction or something.

Uraraka: They appeared twice, but that's lucky of you both. 

Phantom: You guys will start doing the 2nd night soon.

Time stamp: 6:56

Video: https://youtu.be/00sG7cj90HI (does this link even work- what)

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