-Playing FNAF 4 (Part 2)-

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Continue on with me saying sorry for not uploading, though no one cares about this book.


Phantom: You're going to start FNAF 4 soon! Now get prepared before I zap you out of your rooms!

Everyone: *is basically doing their morning routines while struggling to do so*

Todoroki: A few more minutes would be fine-?

Bakugo: Oh shut up, Phantom-

Phantom: Where's everyone else-

Deku: They're just getting ready- we haven't been doing our daily routines properly ever since Cookie took us to her theater

The 4 ppl: We're ready

Phantom: About time, idiots.


Phantom: I never said just you. I meant all of you. Now start the night already! They might be already here ya know?


4 days until the party

Uraraka: ... Ehhhh...

(Screen appears back to C.C's room)

Phantom: Iida, you wanna control again?

Iida: Yeah sure whatever, not like there's no reason to not control.

Bakugo: Hush, four-eyes. 

Iida: I know that- *moves the character upwards*

Golden Fredbear plushie: You know he is hiding again.

Todoroki: Hiding...? Is the plush talking about the brother?

Deku: Maybe. (He knows)

(Deep laughter sound)

Kaminari: HOO BOY- the laugh is making things get creepier.

Kirishima: The laugh is not even making things creepy- 

Deku: I doubt that, Kirishima- though it's not creepy, but rather unexpected.

Iida: So am I supposed to check everywhere or what- *checks around his room*

Uraraka: I think you do.

Golden Fredbear plushie: He won't stop until you find him.

Bakugo: The f**k is wrong with the brother?!

Todoroki: I wonder that too. 

Iida: Oh I can go outside of the room. *sees the plushie again* WAIT WHA-

Bakugo: I hope I'm not seeing the plushie above the grandfather clock

Uraraka: You're not the only one who saw the plushie there

(Deep laughter sound) *C.C goes to the girl room pull of pink things*

Deku: The girl room has a weird plush- if it was a plush, that is. 

Deku POV: it looks like Mangle- and how do I even know the FNAF fandom- like WHAT-

Iida: Yeah *Leaves the room when he finished inspecting it* One more place in the house to go.

Iida: *moves C.C to a room with a blue couch, a oval rug, and a turned-off television box.*

Todoroki: Even the plushie is there on the couch.

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