Chapter 3

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*in the morning*

Alexia's pov

I woke up to my alarm playing my favorite song, it's American Dream by MKTO, that is a song everybody should listen to everyday.

Anyways I got up without any 'no it don't wanna get up' or 'I just wanna stay in bed all day'. This day was different. This day changes my entire life & my biggest dream comes true today.

I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower I just put some mascara on just because I was going to be on the flight for a few hours. After that I just put my hair in a messy bun.

After I was done with the bathroom I went to my room to get the clothes I wanted to wear today. I went with some boyfriend jeans and an oversized grey sweater & my white converse.

I took my bags and went down to the kitchen. I ate some cereal with some fruit in it, & was done to go to the airport.

*at the airport*

It was 7 am now & I could go on the flight on 7:30 am so I though I could just say goodbye to my mom & my best friend & after that start to go to the flight.

"Promise you will call me when you get there so I can know you are alright?" My mom said.

"I promise" I said.

"Have fun, I love you" both my mom & savannah said.

"I will, I love you too" I said, after I hugged them once agin I started my way to the flight

It was 7:33 now so I could get on the flight. I got to my seat & the best part was because I was sitting right next to a window, I hope the person next to me won't be a creepy old man.

I took my phone & my headphones out of my bag & started to listen to music. I closed my eyes & after like 15 minutes someone touched my shoulder & shakes it a little, I think they though I was asleep. I took my headphones out & opened my eyes.

Right when I opened my eyes I almost passed out & I think the person saw the shocked expression on my face because he smiled & giggled a little.

"Hey, would you mind if I sat here because there is no other seats left?" He said

"Uhhm hi uh yeah sure you didn't really had to ask" I answered really nervous

"Thanks, my name is Kian by the way, what's your name?" He said

"Uhm my name is Alexia, & I know your name I watch your videos" I said blushing a little

"Well than you probably know a lot about me, so it's time for me to get to know you then" he said smiling

"Well yes I do know a lot about you, & that sounded really creepy, but anyways I am not that interesting so that's not much I can tell you" I said smiling

"I am sure you are more interesting than what you think you are" he said while I started to blush probably the darkest red you can imagine.

"Well, what do you want to keno about me?" I asked

"Just tell me everything about you" he said smiling widely

"So my name is Alexia, today is my birthday so I am 18 now, right now I am on this plane to because I am moving to Los Angeles, my favorite food are tacos & my favorite candy is sour candy, this is not my natural hair color because I die it a lot, & my eyes change the color sometimes & that time they turn a bright green" I said blushing

"You seem really interesting, we should hang out sometimes" he said & with those words he took his phone out and we exchanged numbers

"So where in LA are you going to live?" He asked while looking at me

"It's a white & grey house, not far away from the Hollywood sign, me & a friend that lives there will be living with me, & address is (the address)" I said while looking into his eyes, damn I could drown in those eyes they were so perfect

"Well here's a funny thing, I live right next to your house, so that makes us neighbors, so it should be fun" he said while a small laugh escaped his mouth

"Really, that's cool, we can hang out sometimes" I said

"Yeah, do you have any hobbies?" He asked

"Yes I make YouTube videos sometimes, and I like to run or take a long walk sometimes" I said

"I knew you were making videos, I am watching you, I just wanted to get to know you in person" he said blushing a little

After a few hours of talking, eating & taking selfies, we landed in LA. I was waiting my entire life to get here & I still couldn't believe I was here.

Anyways because me & Kian are neighbors he didn't wanted me to take a taxi because it could always be a creep in there, so he offered me a ride to my house.

After I got to my house I took my bags & walked in. When I got in I saw Chantel & hugged her. Everything in the house was already placed out everywhere so I didn't had to worry about unpacking the couch & my room, I only had my clothes & my personal stuff left.

I walked to my room and laid on my bed easy to sleep, right when I turned the lights off I got a message from Kian

"Kiki💜: Go out to your balcony❤️"

"Me: Okey why?❤️"

"Kiki💜: I just want you to see something"

I went to the balcony & saw Kian on the balcony in the house right next to me.

"Do want to hang out tomorrow?" He screamed

"Don't scream I can hear you here if you just talk normally, & yes I would love to" I said smiling

"Okey, I know you are tired so go to sleep, goodnight, sweet dreams beautiful" he said

"Goodnight, & sleep well" I said while blushing, I probably look like a tomato now, but it's dark so I hope he can't see

But wait, did Kian Lawley really just call me beautiful?! I think I just died a little.

I laid on my bed & fell asleep smiling, the words running around in my head "sweet dreams beautiful".


A/N so I don't know if anyone reads this story, but if you do I would be really thankful if you could give me some feedback and some ideas for new chapters and tell me some ideas on what you want happens between Kian and Alexia

"I met her on the plane" Kian Lawley #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now