Kin's new invention

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Kon, Laney and Corey were in the garage practising when suddenly Kin opened the door and entered with an unknow object, since it was covered with a white blanket.

They all stared at him with raised eyebrows and confused faces until his twin brother spoke.

"So, Kin. What's that?"

"Probably something that will go wrong."

Kin glared at the red haired bassist and turned to Kon. "This my good friend is something that will change  our band forever."

He grabbed the blanket and threw it to a corner revealing a strange red and white machine shooting lasers.

Kon widened his eyes while Laney rolled hers.

"This machine, that doens't have a name because the author is to lazy to think of one, will automatically create lyrics based on any word or sentence you say."

Kon rushed to Kin's invention. "Let's see... Oh,oh I know ! Write a song about cheese."

After eight minutes of  obnoxious and annoying sounds it showed a sheet of paper . Kon grabbed it and after a minute or so started laughing. He showed it to Laney who started  laughing too.

Kin looked at then confused and asked them what was so funny.

"Dude I can't believe you dressed like that for Halloween..."

While they were bursting in a fit of laughs snatched the sheet from his twin's hands.

He blushed when he saw a picture of his four year old self wearing a yellow and white poofy dress filled with cheese drawings and a blond long haired wig. In his hand was a bag for the candy with a tag saying The Cheese Princess.

"It was a bet okay? " He yelled at the drummer and at the bassist who just kept laughing.

"I can't believe the only machine I made that didn't explode turned against" He muttered. Exactly after he said that he heard a loud BOOM! and turned to see Laney and Kon staring at him and at the pile of wrecked  pieces  that belonged to Kin's new invention. He sighed.

"I talked to early."

Hey it's EatingSnowflakes here I hope you guys liked this chapter. If you did let me know by writing a comment or voting on my story. Oh and if there are any grammar errors please tell me.
XOXO EatingSnowflakes (Did any of notice that I managed to only put Corey's name one time and to not let him talk in all this chapter.XD. This is what he gets for stealing Laney's diary. XD )

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