
350 9 17

3:45 PM

Corey: hey guys! :(

Laney:Hey Core, what's the matter?

Kin:Yeah,why so sad?

Kon: What hapenned? Tell us.

Corey: I don't know where my guitar is. I'm going to cry...

Laney: Don't be sad, we'll find it. :)

Corey: But what happens if we don't

Kon:... You buy a new one...

Corey: I could do that but nothing could replace that one.

Kin: That and Trina took your money.

Corey: True

Corey: Well I gotta go. Bye

Kin: Bye

Kon: Bye

Laney: Bye

3:47 PM

Laney: Corey?

Corey: Yes Lanes? :)

Laney: What if I told you that your guitar is outside your garage

Corey: What? That's impossi... Nevermind, you're right, it's there. Wait, how did you know.

Laney: Because I'm standing next to you remember? ¬¬

Corey: Oh. I forgot that.

3:57 PM

Kin: So Corey's guitar was outside the garage...

Corey: Yup

Laney: I think we made it clear

Kon:That's not important now, the only thing I want to know is why you tão were alone im the Groj and what you were doing.

Corey: Hey look at the time, so late. I'm going to...... sleep.

Kon: At 4 PM?

Kin: so Laney

Laney: Não falo inglês. Solo hablo espagnol. Ciao

Kin: Were are soooo going to find out

4:15 PM

Kon: Tell us


Kon: Tell us


Kon: Tell us


Kin:Aww c'mon Lanes

Corey: Only I call her that ¬¬

Kin: I know XD I did that in purpose

Corey: I hate you

Kin: you might hate me but you love Laney

Corey: What? No I don't

Kon: Then what were you two doing in the garage.Alone.Obviously it wasn't writing lyrics


Kin: Riiiiiiiight XD

Kon: Smooch Smooch Smooch ^3^

Corey: Shut it you guys.

Corey: Hey where's Lanes

Laney: I'm here. I was hoping you guys wouldn't notice me. Sigh

Kin: aww don't be sad

Kon: Yeah cuz Corey is here to confort you XD

Laney: that's it I'm leaving. I hope you two step on a Lego

4:24 PM

Laney: so why aren't the twins here

Corey: They had to clean their rooms

Laney: oh. So what happened after I left the chat

Corey: Nothing much. They kept asking me what we were doing and then they (dramatic pause) stepped on (another dramatic pause) a Lego. XD

Laney: XD For reals? Irony.

Corey: I know right? XD

Kin: we're back

Laney: :( Aww so early

Kon: don't tell me Corney was having a romantic moment XD

Corey: What or who is Corney?

Laney: Probably some name they gave to a couple

Kin: so you're saying that Corney is a couple?

Laney: Yeah

Corey: wich couple

Kin: why don't you try finding out ?

Corey: the only thing I can think of is me and Laney. Ohh. That explains very much.

Corey: WAIT, WHAT?

Laney: Let's pretend this never happened.

The End

Friend 1(Corey): we are so weird XD
Friend 2(Kin): I know right
Me: so tell us again why are we roleplaying Grojband
Friend 3(Kon): Because it's funny : ) and we don't have anything to do
Friend 1: he's right : ) Even though the autocorrector of my phone is always changing the words
Me: XD Ikr? Everytime I wrote Core or Corey it changed to Corney
Friend 2: Lol well I gtg bye
Friend 1: bye
Friend 3: bye
Me: bye
Friend 1: soo what do you guys want to roleplay now?
Friend 3: Adventure time
Me: My little pony :D
Friend 3: you kidding right?
Me: no
Friend 3: for sure?
Me: i like mlp. So what? I'm a girl
Friend 1: she's right dude.
Friend 3: But ponys? I though you only liked dark stuff and horror movies
Me: Dark stuff? Horror Movies? Man I watch cartoons with you since kindergarten. Where have you been all these years.
Friend 1: Everytime she watches a horror movie she has nightmares and she doens't like dark stuff. Only vampires and werewolves cliche love stories XD
Me: your worst than him
Friend 1: awww thank you :3
Friend 3: one thing is right we shouldn't complain so much about what she does or doesn't like just because she is the only girl in our chat.
Me: Awww thanks dude <3
Friend 1: So now Laney is going to fall in love with Kon ¬¬
Me: Jealousy doens't fit you. Besides we are not roleplaying Corney again. Well bye
Friend 3: bye
Friend 1: bye M

Yeah, this happened. Me and my friends decided to roleplay Grojband since we are four people and I'm the only girl.

XOXO EatingSnowflakes

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