Chapter 5

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She ran down stairs... oh crap I mean I wasn't trying to kiss her.... Was I? I mean ugh I don't know
I ran down stairs and locked myself in the bath room.... what the fuck was I thinking I could have kissed Parker....i mean I've never kissed any one before and ugh I don't know, what do I do now? Just walk back in and pretend I didn't see him about to kiss me? He's gonna think I don't want to kiss him.... but.... but I really do....
I walked out of the bathroom and back into Parkers room he looked asleep so I squirmed back into the bed. He distanced himself from me probably thinking I was now uncomfortable sharing a bed with him, but I wasn't. I turned over and put my head on his chest and my arm around his torso... he pulled me closer and smiled. My stomach fluttered and everything felt right for once. He started softly snoring and I whispered into his chest "I really do like you parker"
"I really do like you Parker"

I was in that moment where your about to fall asleep but your still awake.... so bee does like me? "I like you too bee" I whispered and I felt her tense up and I felt myself blush deeply. I pulled her closer to me and stroked her soft hair

"goodnight bee"
I woke up in Parkers bed to the smell of eggs and bacon sizzling down stairs, my stomach growled and I yawned getting up and stretching as I opened to door and started walking down stairs sleepily.
"good morning bee" Parker beamed standing at the stove as i waddled over to sit at the counter
"morning" I yawned again rubbing my eyes.
Parker picked up a plate "what would you like bee?"
I couldn't deny his hospitality, he would think I thought I was too good for him.... "everything please" I smiled hoping he didn't pick up on the fake-ness.
He served me up 2 pieces of toast 2 poached eggs and a large serving of crispy bacon..... It looked so good I could have eaten 3 times that.
"so what are your plans for the day parker?" I asked before shovelling a piece of bacon onto my mouth.
"Well I mean if your not to busy I thought we could maybe hang out" he stuttered which surprised me, Parker was normally an extremely confident person.
"Yeah I'd like that" I smiled as I ate more of my breakfast. All I could think about was the calories I was eating... a couple minutes later we had both finished our food "I'm gonna go have a shower bee" Parker placed his plate in the sink and started walking upstairs. I walked into the down stairs bathroom when I heard the shower running and I locked the door behind me.....Was I really gonna do this? I looked at myself in the mirror and lifted up my top showing my stomach ugh why did I have to eat.... I walked over and knelt in front of the toilet and lifting the lid I tied my hair back and put my middle and index finger together then into my mouth..... I slowly pushed my hand back further tickling the back of my throat. I began to gag and pulled my hand out as I felt something rising.... nothing came out so I repeated the motion but pushing my fingers back further, I felt the rising again and quickly the breakfast I had eaten not 10 minuets ago splashed into the toilet. I repeated this many times until nothing was coming up, I wiped up the mess I made and flushed the toilet. I splashed my face with water hoping the 'just vomited' look would disappear... it didn't.... I heard Parker go into his room so I snuck into the upstairs bathroom had a shower.
That was probably a bad idea.... I had no towel or clothes. I turned off the shower once I had finished and cracked open the door. "um parker?.... Can I please have a towel... and maybe some clean clothes....." I whisper yelled.. "one sec bee" I heard bumping around the room and he put his hand through the crack in the door with a neat pile of clothes and a fluffy white towel "thank youuu Parker" I said happily and shut the door.
I held up some boxers... Parkers boxers....they were clean but still.. I put them on and they hugged my hips I then held up my tshirt from yesterday, Parker must have washed and dried it cause it was still warm there was also a pair of black skinny jeans.

I slid every thing on and brushed my still wet hair and walked out of the bathroom, I knocked on Parkers bed room door "oh sorry Graser I have to go, talk to you later" A few seconds later he opened the door and blushed "hey bee" he looked at me up and down which made me blush as well "thanks for lending me these clothes" No worries bee I'm just gonna finish recording this video" he walked back over to his computer and I walked over to his bed and sat down listening to him recording...

Sorry if there are any mistakes in tired I'll probably edit in the morning <3

~ Perfection ~ A Parker_games and heyimbee FFWhere stories live. Discover now