Chapter 16

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I grabbed my bad from the conveyer belt and made my way out side to the front of the airport, where bee was going to pick me up. Everyone was either staying at the cube house or at a hotel... Even bee and Parker who bother lived in LA were staying at the Cube house for a couple nights.

I sat at a bench where busy cars zoomed past and happy families reunited. Suddenly I heard a shout.. I looked up to see Parker and Bee in a car pulling up in the 2 minute zone. I smiled widely as I hauled my bag to the car, Bee ran out and hugged me tightly "I really missed you" she whispered in my ear. "I missed you too..." I hugged her back before she pulled away

I put my luggage in the boot (trunk??) of the car and got in the back seat. The traffic was heavy and I was extremely tired, soon I was asleep

When Bee and Straub hugged a wave of jealousy hit me.... 'no Parker they're friends... just friends" Straub put his stuff in the boot and got in the back seat greeting me before falling fast asleep.

As the traffic started to flow again my head started to stuff up... what if Bee likes Straub better then me? What if she leaves me... No, she would never do that. "So you and Straub are great friends" said to Bee "Yeah, we've been friends for years... before all this happened" she motioned to everything.. before YouTube... before her parents died... Before she moved to LA...

He had been with her through a lot

We got to the cube house and everyone was laughing and vlogging and hugging. It was all pretty great to see my friends again as I was now the only cube member who lived in Australia. It made me so glad that Bee was happy and smiling. Parker and her weren't going to be staying in the same room for obvious reasons... the whole fandom would go crazy.

So Parker was sleeping in the lounge room and bee was sleeping in a room for herself, about 9 other cube member including me were staying over as well. But they would probably go back to their own houses for a couple nights anyway.

After everyone finished vlogging we ordered pizza and hung out. We all drank a bit and had a fun time dancing. Somehow Parker and Bee started having a make out session in the lounge room. "Get a room!" Graser joked obviously drunk. Parker began to lead bee upstairs but she stopped him and began to say something that I couldn't make out. But Parker nodded and smiled acceptingly kissing her on the forehead.

She went back to dancing and laughing she eventually came up to me and we sat on the couch talking about her new life in America... apparently school had not gone so great and she was going to focus on YouTube for the rest of the year. "How's things back at home?" She asked before taking a sip out of a red plastic cup.

To be honest they weren't that great.... wake up, play video games, eat, record, eat, play video games, watch movies, sleep. I was slipping into sadness with out her. but I wasn't about to tell her that

"Fine" I lied

~ Perfection ~ A Parker_games and heyimbee FFWhere stories live. Discover now