Chapter 22 :D

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"I don't know about you but I'm super tired" I said collapsing on the couch "agreed" Bee said collapsing beside me "it's been a rough week" she continued nuzzling into my chest. I just smiled at her "what?" She questioned me "nothing... Your just cute" I said. She just cuddled me before getting up and grabbing her vlogging camera and pointing it at herself "hey I'm bee! And I'm here with Parker" she turned the camera around so it faced me "hey guys" I waved. Bee turned the camera to her "and today we're going to be going to the meet up! I hope to see a ton of you guys there... So yeah I'll film later at the meet up.. BYE" she turned off the camera and put it back. "So you wanna get some food?"


We walked into a sushi place and sat down at a table "so... I've never had sushi before" Parker looked around the restaurant. His eyes widened "what?" I asked "we gotta go... I think there's a fan over there" he looked at me in the eyes. Confused I questioned him "what do you mean? It's just a fan, shouldn't we say hi?" I looked around in search of the fan. He started fiddling with his hands "ok bee... Uhm... I don't know how to tell you this... I'm afraid of meeting the fans" he said "what? You do know we have a meet up in" i checked my phone "about 3 hours? How were you gonna just ignore all the fans" I looked at him sympathetically "I don't know, I'm gonna figure it out" Parker took a sip of his water. "What are you scared of?" I asked "they're gonna see me different in real life... Too tall.. Too talkative... Too shy.. At least in video I can control all that stuff and edit out the stuff I don't want people to see. It's different in real life"

I thought for a second "ok, then let's start small" I looked over at a girl who looked about 15 walking towards us and smiled. She came up to our table "hi... My names jasmine, I'm I'm a big fan... Sorry if I interrupted your lunch!" She looked at us nervously "hi! Oh my gosh your so cute!" I said laughing slightly "hahaahhahahahah!" Parker blurted out nervously "you are cute" he said quickly. I face palmed and the girls face turned super red "sorry he's kinda nervous" I raised an eyebrow at him "it's ok, can I please have a selfie?" She asked and we both nodded. After we took some photos talked a bit more and she went back to her table across the room. "See Parker it wasn't that bad was it?" He just looked at me "I called a 15 Year old cute... With my girlfriend sitting right next to me, that's gotta be illegal" he laughed awkwardly. "Shhh you did great, NOW TIME FOR FOOOOOD" i yelled a little too loudly

Heyo :D

How's your day been?

I'm happy I finally updated! I'm gonna try update a lot more, I don't know why I've been loosing interest in writing. I just get distracted a lot tbh

Anyway did you like this chapter?


Please vote and comment, I love waking up and reading all you beautiful people giving me feedback or just talking to me in general :)

Also I haven't read this through so sorry for errors

Stay awesome


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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