Halloween trap

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Game? Movie? Dunno 3 kids in someone's house and the back is decorated and you walk through the rooms it feels like you need to walk out and realize that the rooma aren't the same.

There are clowns but they only attack when their masks are off and in the first room you just have to avoid them aka close your eyes when you walk through

2nd room you're running back toward the entrance in the opposite way the other kids went and the clowns are running towards you, you duck in side doors

I didn't get the last one, woke up

I think the clowns are I cant see you you can't see me type things

Also we were at someone's house for halloween and were instructed to go into a room as a joke ig and got trapped

The first room looked like a laser tag storage room

The second was a cafeteria with the closed tables lining the walls

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