Chapter 8

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"So you want to go to Wakanda and train using your powers?" Harley said.

"Yes. Peter leave his gun alone." I said looking at him.

"Do you have powers Shuri?"

"No but what my uncle tried to take over Wakanda I used my Sonic blaster." She said

"What about you Peter?" He asked looking at him.

"Oh I'm Spider-Man." He smiled

"No your not!" Harley said defensive

"Yes I am." He said climbing the wall.

"Dude get off the wall!" I said rubbing my temple.

"What are you going to so about it?" Peter said now on the roof. I used my powers and pulled him off.

"So are you coming with us?"Shuri asked.

"Sure why not. Cab I bring my potato gun?" He asked holding it up

"Of course!"

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