Changes in day

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Hey everyone!!, it's been a while and I'm happy to finally update you guys that I am back and will be back on a regular basis as before.
Only for the good of me I will take breaks whenever I feel this becomes overwhelming but I'd be sure to update you all!! I hope you enjoy this chapter

As your asleep you wake up to the slight sweet smell aroma of food cooking. You sit up to wake yourself up a bit but from last night your body ached of pain but you still continued to get up as the smell drew you to where the smell was coming from.
As you walking to the smell you see Chrollo and Feitan in the kitchen with aprons on with their butt cheeks out

You laugh at how funny and small both of theirs were for them both to turn around with pancake batter all over Feitan with him looking a bit aggravated and Chrollo clear of any specks of food on him.
"what are you doing up so early sweet cakes" Chrollo said in a sweet tone smiling
Feitan then punches him in the stomach "no call her that"
You laugh at them both. "It's okay fei baby calm down" you say smiling
Feitan then walked up to you and started to push you back to the bedroom "lay downn your not supposed to see yet"
As you sliding trying to resist feitans push you say "I wanna helpp thoo you look like you struggling"
"No I'm okay you can't see yet" Feitan sais while still pushing you to the room
"pleasseeeeeee" you beg.
"No" Feitan sais
As you still beg you suddenly flop onto the bed
"Nooo Wait here, no come out till we say" Feitan sais then closing the door behind him leaving you in the room yourself
You slightly felt pain hit you from you flopping on the bed but tried shaking off the pain
"HUGHHHH, I WANNA HELPP" you say laying in a layed out starfish position.
As your laying there since your not allowed out the room you decided to get ready atleast.

You get up and walk into you bathroom turning the shower water on.
As the sound of the water rinses down you start changing out of the leftover clothes you had on them stepping in the shower
You walk under the water letting the warm water run over your face relieving you a bit
You start to wash up and suddenly you see the curtains yank open
From reflexes you punch outwards covering your body in shock at the moment
"WOAH CALM DOWN" Chrollo said dodging your punch
You look at him with a shocked look and yank the curtains from his hands covering yourself
"and you felt comfortable to come in while I was showering because?" you question him with a bit annoyance in your voice
"Way to be rude after we struggled making you food" Chrollo said sarcastically
"Way to be rude for entering my privacy without permission after you both made me struggled to walk" you smile fakely in a sarcastic tone
Chrollo chuckles "well then my bad, may I join you" he sais
"Mmm no" you say smiling then shutting the the curtains on him
"AW CMON Y/N, It dosent hurt to wash off now does it" chrollo sais
"Your right.. that's why you can wait" you say washing up rinsing off the bit of soap you had on you still
"Pleaseee!" Chrollo begs
"Fine" you say.
Before Chrollo steps in the shower you shut the water off and grab your towel wrapping yourself
Chrollo pauses and looks at you "seriously.."
"You said you wanted to get in the shower so there you go" you say as you walk out the bathroom
As you walk into your room you rub lotion all over your body then throwing on any random shirt you had along with some pants.
You walk back out to the kitchen to see Feitan leaning against the counter as if he was wore out.
You chuckle and say "well a lot happened in here.."
Feitan looks at you leaning his head back and said "food in dining room"
For the awnser you were looking for you ran into the dining room and seen a huge platter of foods eat out nicely
You make a squeak of excitement and run back to the kitchen to kiss Feitan.
"Feitan baby I love you so much, who knew you could cook so well" you should do it more often~
"no never again. pancakes are hard.. very hard"Feitan said in a tired voice
You chuckle from his comment and pull him in the dining room with you
why not try your creation, after all they look pretty nice
Feitan crouches down putting his elbow on the table with his face leaning on his arm while grabbing one of the pancakes with the the fork then eating it
There was a quite silent moment between him eating it leaving you kinda curious if you should even eat it
"is it good.." you say in a questioning voice kinda chuckling
Feitan starts to pick his paste up while eating the pancakes
"OH MY GOD I GUESS IT IS" you say while laughing kinda
You sit next to Feitan to grab the food that caught your eye first before getting any large things and just as you were about to eat Chrollo steps in the dining room Chrollo steps in and sais "Feitan your not supposed to be eating her food.."
Feitan glares over at him while still eating ignoring his remark
You giggle a bit and say "it's okay Chrollo I know your both hungry and plus it's all too much for me to eat" you say while smiling
Chrollo takes his seat near you kinda getting close to you and you all start eating and enjoying the meal

Hey everyone! I know this chapter is boring but I tried to give a small update just for the absence. Sorry but I'll be back on a weekly update for the chapters and ThAnkYoU for all the VEIWS guys <3
Have a awesome weekend~ Z

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