Chapter 9

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***Chapter 9 is here!!  I hope you enjoy!!***

Jungkook picked up Seokjin and rolled him beneath him.

Jungkook's lips were never leaving Seokjin's lips; they were moving just a little bit, he realized.

He wanted Seokjin so bad. His body wanted to be surrounded by the warmth of Seokjin.

But Jungkook pulled away, looking down at his lover.

Seokjin's eyes were wide open and staring at him.

He gazed at Jungkook with pleading eyes.

Seokjin signed the word Please on Jungkook's lips.

Jungkook wanted to be selfish and give in so badly.

He was on the verge of breaking.

Would he surrender?

He sat up and pulled Seokjin with.  He lifted his older love into his arms and carried him into the bathroom.  

Seokjin watched everything.  He was confused at the moment though.  He thought Jungkook was going to give in and make him feel whole again.

Yet here they were in the their bathroom.

Jungkook placed Seokjin on comfortable chair by the vanity.  He left Seokjin there and turned his attention towards the jacuzzi.

He filled the tub with hot water, turned on the jets and added a bath bomb that smelled of lavender to the water.

When he turned back Seokjin was watching him.


I knew he wasn't sure what was going on till I had come back to stand in front of him.  I undressed him all the while his eyes never left mine.

I lifted him up in my arms and carried him over to the hot tub. I tested the water temperature with my elbow before I lowered Seokjin down into the steaming, bubbling water. I thought I heard him sigh, but he wasn't able.

His eyes were shut and his body sat back against the tub. I thought about stripping and getting into the tub with him, but decided not to.

Instead, I pulled a chair up and sat behind him on the edge of the tub. I reached for his strawberry-scented body cream and lathered it well in my hands. I washed him. He sighed again.

I leaned over to more of him and he seemed content to just watch me. At one point, his hand grabbed mine and we just stared at one another.  

I smiled at him and I know he tried hard to do the same.

I washed his hair, gently massaged his scalp, which earned me more struggling but little sighs. I knew he had relaxed and that he was content for the moment.

After a while I pulled him out of the water, dried him off and dressed him for bed. His eyelids were droopy and he tried to fight sleep but ultimately sleep won.

I watched him for a little while, turned out the light and left him to sleep.

I needed to complete some more work for the art project. I had put it off for too long. Elisa and I decided on a few sketches of Seokjin and a backdrop of the gardens outside in our yard. I sketched the sketch just before the shooting.  He had held Mi-hi when she was just a few weeks old and stared lovingly at her cradled in his arms. It was such a powerful moment.

He didn't know I had sketched two of them but I was excited to show him soon.

I took a pic of the sketch and texted it to Elisa. She texted back and said, "Of course, this is the sketch we should use for our exhibit." The concept we had decided on was enduring love.

Love Endures.   A JK/SJ  SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now