Chapter 10:

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They had picked the worst time to add new people to the group. Just days away from everything unfolding. Or it seems that everything is unfolding. Or it could just very well be me. I don't even know anymore. I just feel like something bad is going to happen any day now. Anyway Curtis, Skyler, and Diablo came home with a cow that had been trapped at an abandoned farm and they had brought it here. We're going to keep it for a few weeks and then once we feel like it's a good time and that it's been brought up to its proper weight we are going to butcher it for meat. Lately, I have been finding it harder and harder to sleep, and when I do sleep I oversleep and this morning I woke up outside. I don't even remember coming inside last night. That means that I fell asleep outside in the cold but what was weird is that I woke up in a puddle of my sweat. How does that happen? It wasn't even hot last night. Anyway when I woke up breakfast was already being made thankfully. Sammy was in the kitchen wearing my mom's 'Kiss the Cook' apron making Pancakes. Which honestly looked good and we didn't have enough syrup for everyone so he was making some so we can eat it with our pancakes.

When my parents were still alive we would always eat pancakes on Sunday mornings before we went to church. And my dad had the best recipe for buttermilk pancakes in the entire world. My sister and I would always roll out of bed and struggle to the kitchen where dad was baking pancakes and he'd always make me a Mickey mouse shaped one and my sister like hers in the shape of a triangle for some reason but hey he always made them just the way we like.

"Hey Briar," Said Sammy

"Hey," I said

"Well aren't you gonna kiss the cook because so far I've gotten 13 kisses," He said gesturing to the table where everyone was sitting eating.

"Sure," I said kissing him on the check.

"Well you want any specific shape?" He asked.

"Well only if you're willing to make it," I said.

"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't," He said .

" I would like a Mickey Mouse shaped one," I said quietly because a part of me was embarrassed.

"Coming right up," he said smiling.

We all ate in silence... I felt eyes staring at me as I ate my pancakes.

"Well..." Said, Samson.

"What," I asked.

"Aren't you going to tell us what we have to do today" He asked.

"Oh... " I said " Diablo and Skyler need to go back to the farm where they found the cow to see if they have any hay, Hayden and I are going to the feed store to see if they have grain for the cow and the rest needs to just do what they have been doing"

Then the room fell silent again. Then as people were finishing up eating they left the table to do there task that they needed to do. The first to leave was Colten and Kayse. Then Skylar and Diablo. Then Sammy and Raylee and the Medical team Left in one of the trucks because they needed more Iv bags and blood bags, just in case and then the builder boys left to work on the bunker. Which finally left me with Hayden. She was still kinda off with me. And I think that she might hate me. But I don't know anymore. Finally, we finished up eating our breakfast and we left for the feed store down the road. It's been harder and harder to strike up a conversation with her. I know she was my best friend so I should know how long that woman can hold a grudge. Because the first thing that she does is distance herself from the person she's mad at so it's easier to hate that person. Oh my god, she hates me.

Dear Diary;

The new guys have been a bunch of help. And Shawna has been helping me get my bedroom finished. And helping move us in. Tonight Hayden and I are going to move into our house. Well, it's unfinished but we can still move in. Dean and Luca have been working on the guest rooms and Kayse has been up in the watchtower all day most likely saying "goodbye" because we have a month before the bomb. And we are cutting it kinda close to getting this thing done. Anyway, they already have most of the bunker done, they are just finishing up the flooring in the guest room then everything will be done. They can work on furnishing it when the bomb hits because we are gonna be locked up for a few weeks before we can even step foot outside with our radiation suits. Anyway, I kept doing trips from the shop to the bunker trying to move all of the stashes of furniture into our storage room in the bunker. Then when the shop was empty I took trips moving mine and Hayden's stuff into the bunker. And by the time I was done with that, it was dark and she was home.

Dinner was quiet as usual. But after I took Hayden's hand and told her to close her eyes even though she didn't trust me she did it anyway and I led her outside and down the steps of the bunker to our bedroom. She opened them and she was gleaming with joy. She jumped on me and hugged me then she kissed me on the cheek. Then she laid down on her back and snuggled into the bed. And before I knew it she was asleep. Before I snuggled next to her I made sure the doors were closed and the same with the sliding glass door that Jacob is going to make into a radiation seal. Then I turned off all the lights in the bunker and went to bed.

The end... 

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