Chapter 4 - I'd Rather You Stayed...

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Bang... bang... bang...

'What the hell, Jack!' yelled a woman at the man with his hand over my mouth.

It had been there since he tore me from my bed and dragged me screaming from my uncle's house. It had been there for so long, that when he eventually removed it, I could still feel his palm on my skin. He and the other men had carried me back to their camp which I learnt consisted of around twenty or so Caravans and an even greater number of people.

'kid wouldn't stop screamin, Donna, had to shut her up somehow' Jack replied, releasing his grip on me entirely.

'Poor thing, she must be terrified. What's your name sweetie?' Donna asked, throwing down the cloth she'd been using to clean the tiny kitchen of their motorhome. I never did tell her my name... I wish I had now... she was the only person there who had cared to ask.

'Don't get cute with her; she's here to help out, nothin' more'. Jack kept his word. I slept outside his and Donnas caravan at night like a dog on the very sheet I'd held onto... little did I know, it was as good a rest as I was ever going to get at that camp. I washed dishes during the day and clothes too. I never spoke and was rarely spoken to. Donna tried, she really did, but the words just wouldn't leave my tongue. Then she was gone - lost in one of the many walker attacks that plagued the camp - I was left with Jack...


I don't fully remember the first night I spent in his caravan... thankfully, there were some details of my past that would stay forgotten. I do remember the next day though. I remember how saw my stomach was... how stretched my jaw felt... the pain lasted several days until I eventually got used to it... or learnt to ignore it... I'd retreated so far into myself that nothing seemed to hurt anymore... pain was irrelevant.


Over the duration of my stay with Jack and his camp, their numbers dwindled... we moved around a lot, usually in order to escape a walker attack or sometimes just to keep enemy camps off our trail... Jack protected me... not because he cared for me... he needed me. After Donna died, he lost what little morals he had... any sense of humanity and empathy too... I was just his favourite toy...


Only three Caravans and a group of around twenty of us, including myself, remained for the final walker horde that ended the camp. It was night-time, it was always night-time. I lay in Jack's bed after he'd finished with me, numb and shut off from the world, just a bag of bones and flesh that didn't belong to me anymore. The engine suddenly revved beneath me and cut out - it often did as of late. Since we lost our mechanics in the last attack, the motorhomes had been dropping like flies. I sat up trying to decipher what the ringing in my head was. And then I realised it wasn't in my head and it wasn't ringing either.

The screams came from outside. Jack sat in the front seat turning the key in the ignition over and over again, ending up with the same flat engine each time. 'Shit!' he cursed and began clambering down the vehicle towards me. He grabbed my arm, I know he did because I saw it... I just couldn't feel it. 'Get up! We're gettin' outta here!' he snarled, dragging me towards the front door. He opened it and hopped down.


The view I was met with, as I stood completely naked on the threshold, was carnage. The night was lit by flame; some of the walkers hadn't bothered to avoid the campfire. They lunged their flaming corpses at people without a care, devouring whatever flesh they could whilst they brunt. The screams of the not-yet-dead rang through the night, like a dozen sirens going off all at once. The more they screamed, the more dead that came.

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