what love feels like

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Lishy had told Tarik everything. About the taslimas, about Shane, about Ollvan's mission and how she had come here to track down Shane instead of going to help the four fallen. He wished he could be with them. He wished so hard he thought he might die from wishing it. All his friends, even Doran was with them. He missed Dorian, his old friend had always been there for him, and now he was trying to fill his space, with no training, no preparation, no nothing. It was late and Tarik sat alone by a stream. The girls where both sleeping as Lumeo played in the water. He remembered Rollan's reasion to seeing Lumeo for the first time. He wanted to cry. There was nothing he could do to help the four children he had sworn to protect directly, but Lishay had said they were launching another attack on the conquers. He was planning to join that group. It was the best he could do and maybe he might be able to find the four fallen, and there bonded painters in the battlefield. Who knew?

"Hey you alright" He felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked round to see Lishay sit down next to him.

"Im fine" He lied. He had missed Lishay more than he would like to admit. He didn't understand what it was about her, but she always made him feel safe and nervous at the same time. He had always worried twice as much about her when he was younger, even though he knew she was twice as capable than the average girl. She put her head on his shoulder.

"You didn't hear what I was saying yesterday did you?"

"Saying when?"

"Back before you arrived" He put his arm around her.

"About your brother? And your spirit animal? And-" He trailed off, realising what Lishay had been saying, and realising who she meant. She slipped her arm around him and lent against him. Tarik felt oddly happy to have Lishay this close to him.

"So you did hear it" She said. "I won't mind if your mad"

"Lishay?" Asked Tarik. Lishay looked scared.


"I'm not mad at you"

"Y- your not?"

"No. in fact, Lishay"


"I feel like that about you too" She stopped dead still, and for a second Tarik thought she had fainted.

"You- you do?"

"Yes" He looked down shyly. She tilted his head so he was looking her straight in the eye. They didn't look away until Tarik heard a splash from the water. The water where Lumeo was. He quickly turned to see the otter climbing happily up onto the bank. Few. Lumeo was fine. Then, before he knew what was happening, Lishay kissed him on the cheek. He stopped dead still.

"Sorry" She blushed and looked away, but he turned her head to face him. Looking into her eyes as her face came closer to his. He closed his eyes and their lips met. To the real world it must have only lasted a couple of seconds, but to Tarik it lasted an eternity. Lishay looked as shocked as Tarik felt. His first kiss. "we should really get some sleep" She told him.

"Yeah" He moved back to the clearing where Anushka lay, and flopped to the ground. Lishay removed her cloak and draped it over him. "hey!" He said.

"Sorry" she moved shyly away. What was wrong with her? She was never this shy. Had he rushed her into love before she was ready?

"Come over" He whispered. She came and lay down next to him, and he covered her in her cloak.

"No you take it" She said.

"I'll be fine," He said.

"No, you're ust to the warmth you need it"

"You need it" He retaliated. "cos you need it"

"You're not very convincing" She laughed, giving it to him. He gently draped it over Anushka.

"There" He said "now she can have it, and we both don't get what we want"

"Smart" She curled up and closed her eyes. He reached over and put his arm around her. He saw a smile fliker across her face as he fell asleep.

 He saw a smile fliker across her face as he fell asleep

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Larik [Tarik is alive] {spirit animals fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now