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When Tarik Lishy and Anushka arrived at Greenhaven, the Greencloaks were already departing. Lishy didn't dock their small boat, instead cept it floating just offshore.

"It's best we don't get you two questiond" said Lishy.

"Wuld Olvan be expecting you back?" asked Tarik.

"He knows where I was, and what I was doing. He knows to launch the attack with or without me, my mission was important"

"What was your mission?"

"To get the talismans back"

"What? I thought we had most of the talismans"

"Shane he- I- I thought I told you"

"You never said he took them, you said he came to try steal them, implying that he never actually got away with them" Tarik was slightly mad at Lishay. She slipped her hand into his.

"I'm sorry, I thought you knew, you know I wouldn't purposefully keep that detail from you"

"But what of the fallen? What will they do without the talismans? They hardly stand a chance! Lishay, we need to get there, right now, I need to help them, it's what I swore to do, I swore to protect them, Lishay" Tarik had never felt more stressed in his entire life. Lishay kissed him on the cheek. The sweet and suddenness of her actions made Tarik stop stressing, but he wasn't exactly happy. All he wanted to do was get to the four fallen, tell them he was alive, tell them he would protect them.

"Aushka can you get this boat moving to Stetirol?" Lishay called, then she put her arm around Tarik, "calm down, take deep breaths, and everything will be ok" she told him. He nodded and tried to calm down. He needed to protect the children, they were too young. Monte and Barlow had been right. They were only children. what was he thinking? He had told Olvan they where ready, he had sent them on a deth quest to stop this stupid war, if they fell in battle and he hadent been there to portect them what kind of garidan did that make him?


After a long boring journey the boat finally arrived in Stertriol, and to Tarik's dismay he saw the bodies of dead Greencloaks, floating on broken pieces of wood.

"Tarik!" cried Lishay. Tarik rushed to her side.

"What is it?" he could tell from the tightness in her voice that it was nothing good.

"Look" Tarik looked where she pointed.

"Dorian!" Lishay nodded, tears streaming down her face. "no" whispered Tarik, "no please don't let this be real" Lishay lent into him sobbing, he put his arms around her and watched the body of his first Greencloack friend floating away. A tear slipped down his cheek. Warriors didn't cry, so what did that make Tarik? A failure, that's what. Dorian had died doing his job, it wasn't fair! Tarik should be the one dead on the piece of wood, not Dorian. "It's all my fault" he said as they landed on the beach. Lishy was still crying, and she could hardly walk properly, she was shaking, not just from sadness and tears, but from fear and grief. "Lishay you shouldn't be walking, you need to rest, you can't go into the deserts like this" he sat her down on the sandy shore.

"Tarik it's not your fault and im fine"

"It is and your not"

"No it's not Tarik and I swear i'm fine"

"No Lishay it is my fault and you are definitely not fine, look at you! Tell her Anushka"

"Tarik its not your fault. Lishay your not fine" Anushka looked completely at ease. Tarik guessed that after what she had been through in the past, it would be quite hard to traumatize the girl.

Larik [Tarik is alive] {spirit animals fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now