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Angela sat in the back of the sleek black vehicle as the usual driver swerved around cars. Mr. Neuman had placed himself next to her, instead of in the passenger seat like he normally did. Then again, this wasn't a routine trip for the pair.

Neuman held a stack of files in his hands, filtering through them at a rapid pace without so much as glancing at his charge. Angela pressed her face into the palm of her hand, leaning against the door to watch the surroundings. Sadly, none of the passing buildings or street signs looked familiar.

The car took a sharp right and Angela's head nearly bashed into the window had she not rested her body against it. Her gaze shifted to her grandfather, his graying hair combed back and beard trimmed. Even though he was dressed smartly, he looked absolutely wrecked.

Neuman's Usually bright blue eyes had dulled to a sad grey, his face littered with frown lines and more wrinkles than she remembered seeing a few nights before. Angela finally gathered up the courage to speak to him after they crossed a bridge. Having ridden in the car for over an hour without muttering a single word was nearly maddening.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

The old man grunted and turned the page in his binder. "You are going to stay with an old friend of mine. They will treat you well and I expect you to be on your best behavior when meeting them."

Another half an hour later and they had arrived in Queens, New York. Angela, itching to get out of the car, leapt out of the vehicle first chance she got. The copper haired teen stared up at the sign in confusion.

"Why are we in front of a café?" She asked.

"Because she still hasn't agreed to take you. She wanted to meet you first, so please." He placed his hands on her shoulders, turning her towards him. "Keep it in check."

Angela nodded her head slowly and the old man hugged her tightly before ushering her into the restraunt. There, she followed him to a table in the very back of the building where a rather young woman sat by her lonesome, nursing a cup of coffee.

"You're late." She spoke sternly. It was obvious that she didn't want to be there and least of all, in the same room as Neuman.

"I apologize May. It was quite a long drive and the traffic is horrendous." Neuman's voice came out gravely and sad.

"You sound horrible." She pointed out with a frown. "You still haven't told me what happened."

Angela sat next to her grandfather, keeping her head low and fidgeting to a minimum as she looked over the menu, ordering some jasmine tea.

"I have gotten myself into some trouble." He admitted. "I have to leave the country for a while."

May nearly choked on her drink as did Angela. The young woman shot up from her seat and stared down at the old man, shouting. "You never told me that!"

Neuman glared at Angela, as if silently telling her to zip it. The teen suddenly remembered where she was and quickly apologized to the other patrons before tucking into herself on her chair.

"May, this is Angela, my ward. I need you to look after her for a while." Neuman stated.

"Give me one good reason why I should do anything for you." May shot back.

"Because." He started. "This is my problem. I don't want to drag her into this anymore than I already have. If she stays with me and I get caught, then she will be thrown back into foster care." Angela's head shot up and spun towards her guardian with wide eyes. Anyone could see that she was terrified of the thought. "I understand that you have a nephew about her age."

May glared at the old man. "What about him?"

"Would you really turn away child in need when you yourself have one that was in the very same predicament?"

She slammed her hands down on the table and leaned forward. "Mary and Richard didn't get in trouble with the police. Their death was an accident." She leaned back. "They were good people."

"I know." Neuman said.

May sighed and rubbed her temples. "How long?"

"Two months."

"Two months!?" May shouted, once again drawing the attention of other customers. "What the hell did you do?" She demanded a bit quieter this time.

"I took something from some very bad people that will kill to get it back."

"And you really think they won't come after us too?" May shuddered. The thought of Peter being caught in the middle of this frightened her.

"They might. But I talked to an old friend of mine and he agreed to keep an eye on you three."

"And you trust this guy?"

"With my life." He answered seriously. "I wouldn't have dragged you into this if I didn't think it through."

May thought for a moment. Her finger lightly tapping against her ceramic mug. "I need you to promise me that you will come back for her."

Neuman nodded his head. "I swear." He pulled out an envelope and slid it across the table. "This is the first months payment. As for food and clothing, I have given Angela a card so she can take care of herself. The only thing she needs is a place to stay."

"What about school?" May asked.

"She has been enrolled in Midtown High. I thought if both the kids went to the same school, then it would be easier to keep an eye on them. Plus, my little Angela has never had many friends." He pat Angela on the back.

"Alright." May sighed. "But I don't want Peter knowing about any of this. Understand?" She said looking towards Angela who nodded her head. "Good."

The three of them walked out of the café, having finally been kicked out by one of the servers. The driver set Angela's bag on the sidewalk and waited in the car for his boss. Neuman stood in front of his granddaughter for the last time in a while, his face soft.

"Don't go." Angela whispered.

"I have to." He pulled her into a tight hug. "Promise me you will look after them." Angela nodded into his jacket. "And don't let them find out. Please, for their sake." He whispered into her ear before pulling away and climbing into the car.

Angela watched as the vehicle drove off, leaving her on the sidewalk with a stranger and her bag. May bent down to pick up the duffle when Angela swooped in and scooped it up for May. "I can carry it, Ma'am."

"Okay..." May trailed off. "My apartment is just around the corner." She pointed across the street. "There are a few rules that I expect you to follow." May pulled out a list she had previously written and handed it to her.


- Be home before 9pm

- No running in the house

- Family nights are mandatory

-  No noise after 10pm

- 15 minute showers at the most

Angela frowned and May saw this. "If you can't agree to follow them, then you might need to find somewhere else to stay."

She shook her head. "No, Ma'am. I was just expecting there to be more."

"Like what?" May asked.

"Not being allowed in certain rooms, home by dark, do not leave the property by myself, lights out at 9pm, things like that." Angela listed off.

"What? Let me guess, he also said that if your not home in time for dinner you don't eat?" She joked. However, when she saw the slight nod of Angela's head, her eyes widened. "Jesus Christ."

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