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Tony stood back and marveled at his work with Peter standing beside him looking just as proud. Angela twirled around in the full length mirror, awed at Tony's handy work.

The black suit hugged her frame snuggly, yet allowed free movement without tearing. Dark purple accents wrapped around her hips ending in a point at her belt buckle, which was in the shape of a protection rune. The accents wrapped around her legs as well as her arms in a brace like pattern. The hood covered her hair well and provided warmth and protection from rain, dirt and grime.

Her favorite accessories however, were the weapon and mask.

Tony had fashioned her a staff made out of a vibraninum alloy, making it light yet durable. The metal was carved, almost resembling a dark tree branch with a purple crystal at the end of it that glowed at her touch. The mask, although plain, hid her face from prying eyes. The white Japanese style cat mask felt comfortable and provided much the same capabilities as Peter's did. Complete with her own AI that Tony himself designed. He had left the naming of the AI up to her and she decided on calling it-

"Alfred?" Tony deadpanned. "Are you serious?"

"What?" Angela shrugged her shoulders. "Every good hero needs an Alfred."

"I appreciate my new name." The AI said.

"I'm glad you like it." She smirked under the mask.

"I also hooked, uh... Alfred... up to your phone and laptop so he's everywhere." Tony said.

"I can't believe you did all of this in just a few days." Angela twirled the staff around, almost dropping it.

Tony rolled his eyes and took the staff from her. "Be careful with it. Stephen would kill me if you broke the stone already."

"As in Dr. Strange?" Angela questioned.

"Yeah. When he heard that there was another wizard around, he jumped at the opportunity. He said it was a Philippino stone, or something like that."

Angela's eyes widened. "You mean a philosopher's stone?"

"Yeah, that's it. Said it was rare and that only 6 of them existed. So you better take care of it." Tony said as if it was nothing. He never cared for the mystic arts and he wasn't about to start now.

The lab door slid open and none other than the wizard himself walked in. He paid Tony no mind and waved to Peter. However, as soon as he spotted Angela, he approached her, examining her up and down.

"Is this her?" Stephen asked, not looking away from her.

"Yep. This is... uh.... Crap, we haven't thought of a name yet." Tony muttered.

Angela smiled. "I already have one." She held out her hand for Strange to shake. "My name is Arcana."

Stephen took her hand in his own. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well." His eyes trailed to the stone. "I see you haven't figured out how to conceal your gear yet."

"I can do that?" Angela said with wide eyes.

Instead of saying anything, Stephen's form became slightly blurry before reforming again, this time, his wizard robes were replaced with his casual clothes. "Does that answer your question?"

Angela nodded her head quickly. "Can you teach me?"

So he did. Stephen instructed her how to channel her energy into the stone and how to condense her suit into something more portable. The first time Angela tried, she failed.

"It's alright if you don't make it the first time. It took me a few-"

"I did it!"

The pairs of eyes stared at Angela who now stood in her sweater and jeans, a rock the size of her fingernail resting in the palm of her hand.

"It appears as though you have a prodigy." Stephen said to Tony.

"I know." He spoke triumphantly.

"I have decided." Stephen said, leaning against the table for support. "I shall teach you what I know." Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of something that made his heart cease. "What's that?"

Angela brought her hand up to her throat and felt around, her face contorting when she realized her choker had accidently been sucked into the stone as well. Tony stepped forward and removed her hand, now having full view of the ugly mark.

A jagged discolored scar wrapped around her neck. Whatever caused it must have been excruciating.

"I know you said the old man used a shock collar on you, but why didn't you tell us about this?" Tony questioned sadly.

Angela backed away from Tony and covered her neck, embarrassed. "It's not too bad."

"Not too bad?" Peter echoed. "You have a scar!"

"Okay okay!" Angela shouted. "Fine. It was a long time ago. I tried to use my magic to heal one of the gardeners who fell of a ladder and broke his wrist. I healed him, but..." She rubbed her neck. "I was in a coma for three days. I lost my voice for a while and my neck was covered in burns."

"How could he do something like that?" Stephen grumbled. Obviously not happy that the child had been hurt in such a way.

"I don't know." Angela whispered sorrowfully.

Stephen took the stone from Angela and held it behind his back. Tony and Peter watched as he pulled her choker out of it and fused the two together. He held his hand out and Angela took back her necklace, the purple stone shinning against the black fabric. She clasped it around her neck, pleasantly surprised to find that the stone weighed practically nothing.

"It will help you keep your abilities under control." Stephen informed her. "Lessons start tomorrow after school." He smiled kindly at her.

Angela nodded and gave him a quick hug before running off with Peter.

"You did a good thing." Stephen said, patting Tony on the back. "I know you and Nathaniel have a rough past."

"Don't sugar coat it. The guy helped cover up my parent's murders." Tony mumbled. "Not only that, but I think he may have something to do with why the Parker's plane crashed."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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