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It had been decided that Angela move in with the Avengers. It was the best option, seeing as she had no privacy at the Parker residence and at the tower, she could train in peace without risking hurting anyone. However, there was one condition.

She had to comply and answer all of their questions about the Shift and Mr. Neuman.

So far, Tony was the only one who knew about the Shift besides Peter. She had asked them to keep it from the others because they would frown on another kid playing hero. She wanted to prove herself before they found out.

It took some convincing on her part, but Angela managed to talk Tony into letting her go on patrol with Peter so he could teach her the ropes. However, she had to pass Tony's test and have him clear her for the field. It wasn't easy, though.

Angela spend hours practicing her abilities. Weather it be in the training room, her bedroom or even the living room. If she had the chance, she would take it.

Most of the time, it was meditation practice. Channeling her thoughts and emotions, taking control of herself. After the incident on Liberty Island, Tony pieced together that her abilities might be triggered by strong feelings of danger or anger. Which could be extremely dangerous if not put on a leash.

Angela sat in her bedroom, not being able to sleep once again. Instead of spending her time tossing and turning in her bed, she sat in the middle of the room, a single candle lit in front of her.

With eyes shut tight, she counted her breaths, slow and even. She focused all of her thoughts on the flame, emptying her mind of anything else. Angela raised her hand over the flame and lowered it until the flame licked at her skin. She opened her eyes to see that the fire wrapped itself around her fingers. The warmth was there, but there was no pain. It was because of this practice that she found a new outlook on fire. It might be destructive and could be used to hurt people, but it was also a source of light and warmth. To her, it could have been compared to a mothers touch.

Cint kept a close eye on Angela. He was glad to see that her and Tony made up and was shocked to learn that he had offered the teen a room at the tower. He didn't complain, obviously, but he did have some questions.

Angela often disappeared for days at a time, only coming out for food or water. When he did see her, she appeared to be in a daze of sorts. He worried for her.

At the moment, it was just Tony, Clint and Steve in the tower since the others were out on missions or visiting family. It was lonely for the most part, but they persevered.

It was only four days after moving into the tower when Angela approached Tony, willing to take his test. The iron Avenger seemed surprised to see her so soon, but humored her and allowed her to take the test, which was to demonstrate her control.

If he deemed her ready, then he would clear her to work with Peter. Any mishaps, and she would be denied.

Angela closed her eyes as she stood in the middle of the training room, breathing deeply. The last thing she wanted was for her nerves to get the better of her. When her eyes opened again, her gaze remained unwavering.

Tony raised an eyebrow as he watched the spectacle before him. He half expected her to fall on her face or make a fool out of herself. Imagine his reaction to seeing Angela seamlessly lift of the ground and hover in the air, almost like she was floating in a lake.

"You did this in four days?" Tony asked, his shock written all over his face. Angela nodded, landing gracefully on her toes. "How long can you fly for?"

Angela shrugged. "The longest I've gone is 3 hours before being interrupted."

"Impressive." Tony mumbled. "What else can you do?"

"Well, apparently I'm fireproof." She answered casually. "Also this."

Angela walked over to the bench and picked up the clipboard laying on it. She tore off a piece of paper and Tony watched as the limp parchment stood straight up. The teen then raised her arm and threw the paper like a card straight into the punching bag, successfully lodging the paper into the bag of sand. Angela removed the paper and it fell limp in her hands.

"Density Manipulation?" Tony noted.

Angela nodded. "I think that's the majority of it."

"Alright. Peter!" He called out. Angela's eyes widened as she watched Peter enter the training room in a pair of sweat pants and a plain black t-shirt. "You're goal is to last against Pete for three minutes." Tony held up his fingers for emphasis. "If you can do it, then you pass."

Angela swallowed hard, a little nervous to be fighting her friend. "Don't you think this is a little unfair? I mean, he's been Spider-Man for years!"

"Quit complaining." Tony ordered. "Peter's been in the hero business since he was 14. He didn't have a teacher and he didn't have all of this fancy equipment. If you want to be a hero that badly, then you have to learn that fights are not always fair. Criminals do what it takes to survive, no matter the cost. They don't care if you stub your toe or if your having a bad hair day. The only thing they care about, is taking you down and getting away."

Angela frowned. She knew he was right, but that didn't mean she wasn't gonna complain about it.

Peter got into position and waited for Angela to make the first move. The heroine launched herself forward and tried to land a punch, but Peter side stepped her, pressing his hand against her arm and spinning her around him. Angela tried to kick her feet out to trip him, but Peter just jumped over her and kicked her in the ass.

Tony yawned. "Come on! I'm not getting any younger!"

Angela groaned in frustration and charged at Peter again, this time going for his legs first. Once again, he evaded her and she got herself a chop on the head.

"He isn't even using his webshooters!" Tony taunted.

He was trying to make Angela loose her temper. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction, she closed her eyes and breathed deep, reining in her emotions.

Peter saw the opening and tried to land a punch on Angela, but she grabbed his hand and flipped him over. His back hit the ground and he immediately got back on his feet.

Now more cautious, Peter circled around Angela, looking for another opening. Even though she stood straight up, arms at her sides and eyes closed, she was well guarded.

Peter grew impatient and leapt at her, trying to punch her in the head. Angela ducked and hit him in the stomach with a high density punch. The spider-kid was sent flying backwards, skidding on the ground with his arms around his stomach which was surely bruised.

Tony smirked in satisfaction. He clapped his hands, bringing the attention of the two teens to himself. "Well done."

"But it hasn't been three minutes yet?" Angela asked.

"No it hasn't. But he's seen enough." Peter said, wiping sweat off of his forehead.

"You did really good!" Peter high fived Angela.

"So, does this mean...?"

"You pass." Tony's ever present smirk widened.

Angela jumped on Peter, her arms wrapped around him as she squealed with excitement. Tony and Peter had to cover their ears out of fear of becoming deaf. Angela realized what she was doing and let the poor boy go, and covered her face in embarrassment. In doing so, some of her power leaked out and she began floating upwards. Not too far, only about five feet or so.

Peter laughed and pulled Angela back down, placing her firmly on the ground.

"I have one last thing for you." Tony said.

Angela looked over at her new mentor and shivered, not sure if she wanted to know what else he had up his sleeve.

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