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Art: ???

"Buckle up, Xiao. Cause we're heading to Mondstadt."


Y/N wanted to get some drinks in Mondstadt. She hasn't been there in a while, and wanted to get Xiao to drink. He probably would refuse...

"It's not a choice, my friend." Xiao froze, because he had no say in this. And while he was staring at her, with a confused, and a refusing look. He kept thinking how stupid this was going to be, and that he should stop her from obtaining him.


He came back to his senses and flinched when Y/N poked his nose, and she smiled seeing his confused state.

"I could wait for centuries for you to agree with me." She put a leg over her other leg.

"Then you'll be waiting for a while, until I will ever agree." Xiao looked away, with a small frown.

"Don't blame me if I have to knock you out, to take you with me." She mumbled.

"What?" Xiao turned to her.


And after bickering, he actually agreed.

But she wasn't going to go drinking in the morning. Nooooooooo.

The last time she went was when Rosaria, her other drinking buddy who's a sister at the Favonius Church, and Kaeya, who decided to put wine into Diluc's grape juice while he went to go and tell that one weird terrible bard in front of the door to go home.

When Diluc returned, he chugged the entire cup.

And it ended up with him and Kaeya nearly burning down the entire place.

While Y/N sat there next to Rosaria, taking pictures with their Kameras.

One of her favorite pictures, was of Diluc yanking Kaeya's ponytail. And attempted to stab him with his claymore while Kaeya was desperately holding onto Rosaria for extra support. But Rosaria being Rosaria, she yanked him off of him, and causing him to knock into Diluc. Who fell backwards because of the (Genshin) impact, and knocked over a table. The person sitting at the table, fell of his chair and hit their head hard on the floor. And apparently he suddenly has amnesia, and thought Kaeya was a girl, and started flirting with him, and the guy was very drunk.

It was funny, really. Good chaotic times with the drunkard adult bunch.

Barbatos would join in on the fun sometimes. He would try to sing nursery rhymes about break dancing slimes, who danced with the hilichurls.


"Okay, hear me out." Y/N started. "What if, we go to Dawn Winery."


"And we steal all of the wine there, and replace them all with crushed up grapes."

"Absolutely not." Xiao crossed his arms, and had a very disapproving stare. Sometimes he acts like the mother of this goddess... always nagging.

"Then we'll go hunting."


"For humans."

Xiao grabbed both of her shoulders to stop her from moving, and release a sigh. How did it become like this? She's probably drunk, since she's been drinking since last night.

"You really need to stop your drinking habits, Y/N."

"I'll stop drinking once Morax learns to not forget his wallet. And I think I'll be drinking for a while."

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