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I was watching the twins and we were having a dance party. Ive influenced them. They watched me have dance parties by myself when they were just little babies. Now they're addicted. But with them being like two. We stuck to Disney.

"I will lead with pride i will make us strong ill be satisfied if i play along but the voice inside sings a different song what is wrong with me" i sang as they giggled and babbled along. Then the someone knocked on the door  "oh my gosh waaat"

I stomped over and opened the door and it was Dominiques dad.

"You know this is getting weird. First i block you and now you're at my door. Im sorry Mr Winslow im just not into older men." I said

"Very funny alasha"


"Wheres Dominique i saw some of her grades its time to go"

"I dont talk to her anymore"  i told him "which means this interaction is over bye now" I tried to close the door and he stopped me "bitch just cause youre a cop or whatever dont mean you can come out here annoying the fuck out of me. I dont talk to her anymore if i did you would know stop calling for her and dont ever pop up at my house again"

I slammed the door and locked it. Then when i heard knocking again i turned the music up. After a while the door unlocked itself

"What the hell V ive been knocking for thirty minutes" fiona said

"Sorry Fiona" i told her "Dominiques dad was harassing me."

"Wait really" she said "you should call the cops"

"He is a cop" i told her "plus im being dramatic. What's going on with you"

"Well v told me to take the girls to the alibi. I thought that meant she was here." She said and i looked at her "oh you mean my life. Well. Carls crazy. Lips stupid im worried about Ian. Debbies pregnant did you know that" she said sitting on the couch

"Yeah" i whispered

"You knew" she asked

"She was so happy and i heard her talking to derek about it" i told her "and its not my business to tell you"

"Are you sure v didn't push you out"she asked "she may aswell you look just like her you act just like her"

"Im positive. My birth givers name is Jessica law. Shes a drug addict like frank except shes better"

"How you were in foster care for two Years"

"She doesn't pop in and out of my life. She took a couple of baby pictures then sent them on with me"  i said "and my sperm donor doesn't even know i exist so im living the life. And i got adopted by the coolest people ever and i got two baby sisters. Im doing great"

"Im glad your happy"

"Im not necessarily blind. Or deaf. You and sean"

"Yeah" she said "i think im in love"

"Thats good. You deserve it fi" I said looking at it

Hard times// carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now