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I was laying in bed with Landon while watching a movie. and he got a sudden rush of energy.

"You know ive never been to the south side" he told me

"You wanna go?" I asked him.


"You cant be scared to walk home alone at night."

"Or I could just stay at your house"

"Ok. But hot FYI you know i have little twin sisters. My best friends sister just had a child and my parents are in a thrupple with a bartender at their bar. And her kid is there too"

"And you have your own room"

"Indeed" I told him

"Then thats all i need."

"Of course it is" i said as i kissed him. "But its gonna be hell around there."

"Thats ok." He told me as he put on his shoes

"You wanna come with me to the wedding"

"And I would be?"

"You would be my boyfriend silly. Weve been dating for a month. Let me show you off to my ghetto family"

"You gonna brag about how you got yourself a rich boy"

"Im gonna brag about how i got myself a nice. Loyal. Hot. Boyfriend. They dont need to know youre rich"

"I love you"

"Im glad cause i love you too" i told him.

We walked downstairs and we left his house. He did not hesitate to leave his gated community and was too bold to actually listen to the precautions i gave him. It was cute but I didn't want him to die.

We got the alibi and i told him that we might drink but most likely not.

When we walked in we sat in a booth and my dad brought us cokes and peanuts.

"Hey mr ball. Im Landon. Thank you so much for adopting Alacia. I wouldn't have her if you didn't"

"Oh well-"

"Dad i think mom wants you" i said cutting Kev off. Knowing he didn't have anymore dad introductions left.

He left and Landon and i were just talking   

"You see that lady with her tits out"


"The white one is svetlana and the black one is my mom, V"

"So its just a house full of fine ladies. How does one contain himself?"

"Well kevin contains himself cause hes my dad. But with svet and v its like they fuck twenty four seven" i told him.

"Okay where we going next?"

"Patsys or to the Gallagher house?"

Hard times// carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now