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"Wake up" carl said busting into my room

"Ive been awake. Im dressed" i told him

"Youre wearing that."

"What's wrong with this"

"Cover up"

"No. Were still going to school after this"

"Exactly. Cover up"

"No lets go" i said walking out of the house

We got on the bus and went to the doctor. I signed carl in. Because for some reason he couldn't.

"You scared" i asked him

"No. Its only a knife going onto my penis"

"Sorry dude just trying to make conversation" i said pulling out my phone Then they called him and he just looked at me. "I cant go into surgery with you. Go. Now"

He left and about two hours later  he came out with the doctor.

"Fuck" carl said after looking at me

"Oh my gosh what"

"Thank god shes with you" the doctor said

"Hey im lost Whats wrong"

"After getting circumcised getting a boner would rip the skin so you looking like that causes a problem for most men"

"Im a minor does that help you"

"It helps me. Maybe not them" he said pointing to the men in the room

"Holy shit when did they get here."

"I told you to cover up" carl said storming away

"Yeah im not going to school." I said and left

I went back home. Then i went to the Gallagher's. Where lip and ian were

"What are you wearing" ian asked

"Im wearing fucking shirt that follows the school fucking dress code. Just cause it makes me look a little hotter than other girls doesnt mean anything"

"Calm down" lip said "what's wrong"

"Your brother has a stick up his ass"

"Whats wrong with that" ian said

"Straight men don't usually like those things" lip told him "Hey uhhh you're supposed to be in school right now"

"I dont feel well"

"Well this will make you feel better" ian said giving me a box and my jacket

"Thanks" I said going back to my own home

I went in my room locked the door and watched a movie. Or 4. Enough for school to be over

Hard times// carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now