Chapter 1

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March 8,2021: 7:30am
Jisung POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groaned when I realized I had to get ready for school. I mean it's not like I hate school. I get good grades, I'm nice to people and the teachers love me. It's just most of the people are assholes.

But I eventually get up and got ready. Then went downstairs to eat breakfast. And yes I live alone because my parents went over seas. After eating I went to go put my shoes on and head out the door. I checked the clock to make sure I wasn't going to be late because I walk to school. But it's not that far of a walk. It's only about a 10 minute walk.

At school 8:00am
When I entered the school doors I was greeted by all of the teachers. The reason for this is because like I said before I'm nice,get good grades and I'm  basically the definition of a good student. The students here have given me the name 'The Goodboy'. I know cliché right? But whatever, I have learned to deal with the name.

After getting greeted by almost every teacher that works here I went to my locker to get some books for my first couple classes. My first classes of the day were Social Studies, Technology, and English. As I was about to close my locker it got slammed in my face. As I turned to see who it was I almost fell over because they were so close to me. But then I came to realize it was my best friends, Lee Felix,Kim Seungmin and Yang Jeongin.

They all started laughing at me. "Hahahahaha you should've seen your face!" Said Seungmin. While the other two nodding in agreement,while laughing their  ass's off. "Yeah haha very funny" I said while rolling my eyes. As I said that the bell rang signaling class is about to start. "We'll see you later at lunch guys" said Felix and seungmin while walking away because they don't have the same classes as me and I.N.

While me and I.N were walking to class I got bumped into by someone. And fell on my butt and all my stuff fell on the floor. Then I heard a voice tell me"Watch where your going squirrel." I immediately tensed up as I heard the voice. As I looked up to stare into his chocolate brown eyes he was already staring at me. More like glaring tho. "I-uh s-sorry I will p-pay a-attention n-next time" I said while stuttering. Which I hated myself for. But I couldn't help myself from the way he was staring at me and the way he was just standing there. I just couldn't help but stare at him.

Well if your wondering who in the hell im talking about. His name is Lee Minho or other known as the 'BadBoy' of our school. And also my crush ever sense I layed my eyes on him. I mean come on. He's just so handsome with that sharp jaw line, his beautiful smile, plus his very soft looking hair. He was just beyond gorgeous. But I didn't realize how long I was staring at him so I.N had to shake me out of my trance. "Jisung? Jisung!? Hello??" I heard I.N calling me so I looked at him." Huh? What?" "You we're staring at him again. Then he got creeped out and left.""oh.. Wait oh no! Now he's gonna think I'm a weirdo!" I.N looked at Jisung and sighed "Just don't think about it to much and come on we have to get to class or we are gonna be late." So I picked up my stuff and headed to class with I.N.

Hi friends! This is my first story! And I'm kinda nervous because I don't know if any one will like it. But I'll find out I guess.
Well if your reading this I hope you like it!💞

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