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Harry felt hazy.

He took a breath in and looked up at the ceiling, sat in his chair. His legs dangling as he rubs his toes against one another in anticipation, making his knees turn in the process.

"Miss? May I use the bathroom?"

With one quick nod, the young laddie was off, trying his hardest not to gallop in the halls.

Galloping is so much better then running or walking, so much more efficient.

Chapped, pink lips hitting against one another as he knew he had to steal Gemma's lip balm later as they felt drier than the Sahara desert. The young lad made his way to the bathroom, pulled his pants down and well, did his business.

He was back at staring at the ceiling as he was peeing whistling baby shark.

Why that was stuck in his head, nobody knows.

That all stopped when he heard shuffled feet making their way towards Harry. And when Harry means it all stopped he means extremely cliché everything stopped when he took a glance at the beautiful young man.

Sun kissed skin.

Oceanic sparkling eyes.

Full lips parted, holding the lovely tune of his voice.

Chocolate hair just slightly brushing against the lads eyes.

Tanned collarbones sharp enough to cut through glass.

Eyelashes long and prince like.

Harry inhaled, and quickly looked away as he didn't want to seem creepy in any shape or form and to ensure the man didn't notice the drool forming in his mouth.

Harry drowned out all the distasteful squirting of pee and just imagined how a beautiful man such as the prince like creature could even exist.

And the smile he wore on his face, so carefree but so soft all at the same time, all Harry could see was perfection.  Perfection glanced upon young Harold and blessed him  with his presence.

As Harry was lost in his thoughts once again and unaware of his surroundings a tiny shriek caught him off guard and worried.

Oh Harry what did you do now?

As Harry went to look beside him, where the shriek came from, he was absolutely horrified.

He was not aware of where he was peeing.

And decided to urinate all over the prince like creature.

And the only thing Harry could utter was a tiny, "oops" with his mouth agape in shock because yes, the first thing you do to a beautiful boy is pee on him.

Because that makes total sense.

The boy beside him was just as shocked as well, he looked at little Harry and he smiled a bit.  A fake sarcastic smile and replied with "hi."

Oh shit.

Oh very shit.

Finally when Harry felt as though he could move again he was apologizing again and again because oh my goodness, he just peed on someone.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, I am so sorry.  I was just lost in thought and you know when you write on a piece of blank paper and you're handwriting gets slanted and its not in a straight line. I guess that's what happened? Oh my gosh, I cant believe I peed on you.  Good job Styles.  Just great.  I'm not a dog its not like I wanted to mark you as territory.  I am so fucking sor-"

At this point, Harry was getting a massive amount of paper towels and apologizing again and again and he wouldn't dare look into his eyes because he was near 100% sure his face was more red than a tomato.

But he was cut off by two hands on his shoulders.

Two soft, fluffy hands on his shoulders.  Shaking him and as he looked up and gazed into oceanic orbs and down from a button nose to a comforting soft smile, he could see himself slowly start to calm down.

"Hey, dude.  It's okay, really it is.  And your rambling, even though it was pretty funny because you were comparing writing to peeing on someone I could see the embarrassment come off of you in waves."

Harry smiled back because yay, he doesn't hate him, and his voice is so soft and silky and Harry could just bathe in it all day.

"Wow, you don't think I'm crazy. Okay, yeah wow that was, wow okay."

The prince like creature stifled in a chuckle and Harry's smile widened.

"You do know that after you peed on me we have to be best friends right? That would be the best thing, like 'hey you wanna know how I met my best friend? He fucking peed on me.'"

Maybe seeing the little blue eyed creature geek out a bit made Harry feel all giddy and warm inside, and yeah Harry can handle being friends with him if it meant spending more time with him.

Harry smiled even wider, and looked right into his eyes and tilted his head, "well we cant be best friends if I don't even know you're name Mr. Blue eyes."

Mr. Blue eyes held a wicked smile, as he took his hands off of Harrys shoulders and Harry wanted to whine, but he didn't as Mr. Blue eyes held his arm out and tilted his head to imitate Harry.

"It's Louis.  Louis Tomlinson actually, Mr. Flat-ass."

Harry decided to reach out and touch Louis hand and smirked, "Harry Styles, and I'll have you know my extra two nipples make up for the lost ass."

Harry saw little Lou's eyes practically bulge out of his skull and Harry giggled a tiny bit.

Louis walked out then, arm around Harrys shoulders and looked up at the ceiling, "you, Mr. Styles have got yourself someone to sit with during lunch, because we are so talking about the nipples."

"Only if we talk about the ass as well."

"You've got yourself a deal."

Imagining the first time he and Louis met always seemed to calm Harry down, no matter the situation, and right now being all bandaged up in pain with a passed out Louis to his left didn't seem to change anything.

"Hey you alright back there?"

Harry hummed as a reply, thinking about everything that happened, right as Harry lost consciousness Tyler came in, shot silver bullets, and carried and bandaged both him and Louis up.  Right now Louis is still unconscious but they're in Tyler's car to Harrys house to drop them off.  Harry should probably be thinking of a cover story to tell  their parents but he cant move a bone even crying would hurt, and all he wants is for Louis to be okay

Please be okay.

"I love you Louis, just don't give up yet.  We're gonna be okay, I promise you we're going to be okay."


A/N: is it too late now to say sorry..

um okay I can explain-

I sort of like maybe unlarryed like theres a part of me that k n o w s theyre together somewhere cuddling and watching a romcom but like so many people make a big deal if you ship them or not and youre toxic if you do or dont so honestly I dont care anymore as long as louis happy and harry too of course

and yeah kind of a solo louie now I think..

and idk I just sort of didnt wanna write for a while but haVE NO FEAR IM BACK

at least I think I am so uh heres a nice chapter on how they met and I'll try to have a chapter up every week and I'm gonna start a new story too bc all deadpool related books on here are just reader inserts so I am going to do deadpool justice on here gonna write a nice one shot book because I love him anyway um im back? yay? okay byenow

loads of love xx

(ps this is unedited and I didnt read it over so cut me some slack when you read it)

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