49) Reality

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Elizabeth Perez's POV

My feeling were hurt, very hurt. Sebastian not liking me back was bad enough but now he wants distance? I had at least hoped we could still be friends, his friendship meant so much to me. But, apparently a five and a half week long relationship was more important than our 5 year old friendship. Like I said, I was upset, and kind of bitter.

It was currently 6.00 AM and Liz was going to be here in 30 minutes. I had just gotten out of bed and was getting ready to take a quick shower.

When I got out of the showe it was 6.20, I had already packed yesterday evening so I just ate a quick breakfast before I heard Liz's knock on the door.

"Hi Lizzie! Oh my God I'm so excited to finally see you again!" Liz squealed while giving me a hug.

I returned the hug and stepped back into my apartment to grab my luggage, "I'm so glad to see you again" I said. We walked out of my apartment complex and got into the car Liz ordered us. "Just to warn you, I'm really fucking scared of flying so I'll probably be really annoying the whole time." I apologised in advance.

"Don't worry, I'll be here to try and keep you calm. I know Seb is usually here for you but I'll try my best. What happened to you two anyway?" Liz inquired, I knew she would ask and I didn't have a problem telling her, Liz was one of my best friends.

"Well, I kinda had a crush on him, actually still do." I said, "But, uhm, as we know he got a girlfriend before I got the courage to tell him. She doesn't like me, Sebastian said I make her insecure and she thinks we're to close so he asked for some distance."

"Oh Lizzie, you don't deserve that." Liz said sympathetically, "I mean, he isn't obligated to return your feelings but I just don't see why he would value a new relationship more than an old friendship."

"Yeah, I don't know either. It just hurt my feelings you know, I've really been out of it lately. I never even knew my happiness was so dependent on his company, that's not healthy right?" I said, I was nervous telling this part. I've never really told Bella about it, or anyone else for that matter. It wasn't like I had my parents to rely on for support.

"I'll help you get over him, I promise! Let's just have a good time in Atlanta, filming is always fun!" Liz smiled.

Just then my phone buzzed, "Sorry" I looked at my phone and saw a text from my agent, "I have to respond to this" I said.


Maria (agent)
Hey Elizabeth, I just heard you were
going back to Atlanta for some last minute
filming, I have a person who really,
really wants an interview. Would you
be okay with that!

Elizabeth Perez
yeah that's fine, just text me when and where
thank you!

Maria (agent)
No problem!

"I have an interview in Atlanta!" I said to Lizzie, I had become more comfortable doing interviews in the last two months and I was excited to be doing one on my own because I was usually with other people.

"Oh! That's exciting" Liz said, we just arrived at the airport and went in.

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