06: The Break In

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Yoongi immedietly opens his eyes and looks at you shocked. "What happened?!" He then sees your phone laying on the carpet.

The other boys also wake up immediately as they heard your screams.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook sits next to you on the couch.

"This is not good." You say sobbing pointing at the phone on the carpet as you look at them.

Yoongi frowns as he is so worried and moves to grab the phone. "Is it another message?"

You nod, still can't stop crying. You are really scared.

"It's okay. He can't do anything. Don't worry." You hear Jungkook speaks next to you. He then caresses your back comforting you.

How do you tell? You don't even know him. But those words are just spoken from your mind. You can't even speak as you are sobbing so much.

Yoongi sighs and picks up your phone from the floor. He reads the message. "What the hell?" How did this person know that Y/n slept over at my house with the boys? Did he just make a good guess or is he now stalking everyone?

The phone then exchanges in hands. Hoseok's eyes glued to the screen. "What is this? He definitely knows we all are here." He sighs with furrowed brows looking at everyone and still wearing his shocked expressions.

The other three pairs of eyes widen immediately hearing Hoseok's words.

Seokjin goes to the door to look around the house if there was anything suspicious.

Jungkook stands up to follow Seokjin and Jimin is tailing behind him.

There is nothing you can think at that moment. Your mind is totally blank. You never cry in front of anyone. In fact, you rarely cried ever since your family left you. You feel numb about anything happened to you after that accident that took the lives of all your family members. You don't know why you are so weak at this exact moment to cry in front of your new friends.

Yoongi sits beside you to comfort you. He caresses your back slightly. He looks up at the guys that just come in the house from looking around. "Did you find anything?" He asks them.

Seokjin puts a small plastic bag containing a few cigarette butts on the coffee table that had been moved to the corner of the living room before you all slept last night.

"I think- he was here." Seokjin looks at Yoongi as he is so sure there was nothing at the area they found the cigarette butts during the time they arrived at Yoongi's house yesterday.

Seokjin is a clean freak that even a strain of hair found on the floor, he could see it. It was impossible to not noticing this amount of cigarette butts when they first arrived yesterday. It means, these butts were thrown there this morning or at least last night after the pizza arrived.

You feel your blood rushes as you see the plastic bag on the coffee table.

"Don't we need to report this to police?" Hoseok asks looking at others. This is getting serious.

Yoongi nodded and agrees with Hoseok. "But what if the person finds out?"

"I don't know." You wipe your tears.

"I think we should report. If anything happened, at least the police already know about this." Seokjin suggesting to report.

If anything happened? I hope nothing bad happened, and Seokjin is right. "We will go to the police station today." You nodded.

"We can go after breakfast. You're probably hungry," said Yoongi.

"Okay, I'll take a shower first." Jimin says stretching up a bit relieving his sore muscles.

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