08 - Cash Karma

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"I'll make pasta." Seokjin said when you all arrived home.
"Let me help." You put your backpack on the couch avoiding Yoongi's eyes.
Yoongi slightly tosses your hiking backpack on the couch, beside your school bag and heads to his room.
You and Seokjin finish cooking and you set the table done preparing the food.
"I'll call them." Seokjin looks at you before making his way upstairs.
You are about to change your clothes, looking for your backpack on the couch. "Where is it?" You frown as you searching for your bags.
Hoseok turns to look at you from the tv screen. "It's upstairs, your stuffs. Yoongi brings them to the guest room after he tidied up the room a bit. It's a bit inappropriate for you to sleep here with us."
True. "Oh- okay."
You walk upstairs and meet the other guys on your way.
"I'm going to change." You said and they just nod. You notice Yoongi is the last person to come out from the room, you assume it's his room. "Aaa- thanks." You say as he walk pass you.
Yoongi simply nods and goes downstairs, to the kitchen.
You look at him from behind with a frown. "Geez, the lil meow meow with his cold expressions. You're a meow, not a tiger. What's so wrong with smiling a bit?" You mumble to yourself. You don't even care if he heard you. Didn't I tell you, you looked cute if you smile?
Yoongi stops on the first step of the stairs. "I'm not a kitten," he speaks and turns around.
"Yes you are a kitten, lil meow meow. Because kittens are annoying. Just like you." And cute. You shout from upstairs and ran to the room quickly to change.
"But kittens are also cute." He smiles innocently before you went inside.
You chuckle as you heard him. So why don't you smile a lot instead of putting that serious face all the time?
You then realize the room interior design. Wow! Your brows automatically raised as you are so mesmerised. The entire room is in the combination of pastel peach and white. Very nice. You can't help but smile.
Your eyes then fall on your stuffs that were nicely put on the queen bed. You put your skin cares and make up on the table and planning to unpack later at night. So, you quickly get change before joining the others at the kitchen.
Everyone is already sitting and eating at the dinner table except you.
"Finally!" Jungkook speaks up with a smile.
"Sorry late." You sit at the only empty seat at the table. It's in between Hoseok and Jungkook but right across Yoongi. Niceeee that I have to sit face to face with him after avoiding his eyes since at the police station. Niiiccceee. Veryyyy niiicceeee~
Yoongi glances at you shortly and notices that something is 'wrong' with you, since you are just looking at your plate. "Are you okay?"
Yeah, right. Why do you have to ask me at this very moment? You look up from your plate. "What? No. I mean, yes I'm okay." You really do for now and you have not received any message yet after just now. So, you are still okay, so far.
"Let's eat." You add before you realize that you are the only person on the table that don't get the food yet. Everyone else are already eating. Gosh! Why am I behaving like this?? Is this because of Min Yoongi?
You feel like want to bang your head on the table. Or just sit under the table so that everyone won't see your face. You slowly carving a smile.
This. Is. Awkward.
You then put some of the pasta on your plate.
"Okay..." He says before struggling to bite the meat.

" He says before struggling to bite the meat

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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