Accidents happen, and this one just so happens to harm someone

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||I dont know where this was going.||

~Technos' pov~

This wasn't supposed to happen. Oh I should probably tell you from the beginning, well I, Dave, or also known as Technoblade, was just farming potatoes peacefully when all of a sudden Tommy,Ghostbur, Phil, Dream, George, and Sapnap came running down the hill and trampling my potatoes. Dream, George and Sapnap were yelling slurs at Ghostbur , Tommy, and phil. But the weirdest part is when Tubbo came running as well. Wow. What is my life? Well, anyway, Ghostbur had joged over to me telling me that I have to hide them.

"TECHNO PLEASE YOU HAVE TO HELP US!" Ghostbur whisper-shouted at me when he reached me.

"But why tho? Did something happen? Did Tommy break the alliance we had with the Dream Team?" I worried, my anxiety was climbing as high as mount Everest

"Yes and no. Tommy did break the alliance we had and The Dream Team had declared war on us!" Ghostbur said frantically. I could tell that they were in dire need of somewhere they can stay.

"Fine then, you can stay here. BUT you have to help pay the bills. I'm never really in the right place of mind, and taking care of you all, well say bye-bye to my sanity okay? Also DON'T bother me when I'm in my room, farming, and not when I'm cookin'. Got It?" I said seething that they had to stay with me when my mental and physical health are not at the peak.

"Okay me and Ghostbur can help you with anything, you know? But yes we will help around the house. I'm not too sure about Tommy," Phil said calmly. I nod, answering his question from before.

"AYY big T how ya doing!" Tommy said, rather loud in my opinion.

I sigh. "I'm good Tommy. So I heard you will be stayin' with me for a while? What did you do, may I ask?" I asked.

"Ohhhhh ya I kinda fought back when George tried to fight me," Tommy said sheepishly.

"Yes well you do have rules. DON'T bother me when I'm in my room, farming, and not when I'm cookin'. Got It?" I said for the second time, still seething about the fact Tommy and Tubbo had to live with me. I was a-okay with Will and Phil, Phil is like my dad and WIlbur is like my older brother. Tommy and Tubbo, sure they are like my younger brothers but, I don't really wanna live with them. After giving them a stare that could kill on spot, they had agreed to not bother me.

~Time skip~ (still Technos' pov)

We finally made it home. After hours of bickering between Will, Tommy and Tubbo, we had made it to my humble abode. Sadly the bickering didn't stop. It only stopped when a hard bang came from the door. We all, well all but me, looked outside. I already knew that it was Dream and his goons. I had heard Sapnap screaming earlier, hence my pig-like ears, better hearing, anyway sapnap was yelling at Dream and George to hurry before they lost us. Everyone else however, were like gaping fish.

"Guys shut your mouth, you'll catch flies." I stated.

"HOW ARE YOU SO CALM ABOUT THIS!?" Ghostbur screamed.

"I wonder why," I said pointing at my piglin ears, gritting my teeth as well.

"Oh," Ghostbur said, embarrassed.

However soon they soon closed their mouths. Then we heard it.

"We can hear you~" Dream said, teasingly. God he was annoying.

"Yeah so what Dream?" I barked, pissed.

"Shut the fuck up Techno!?" Tommy screeched at me.

"Hmm, no," I said.

"Ugh!" Tommy stormed off after.

"Well that happened," I said.

~Time skip~ Third Pov~

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