Chapter 1

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"This can't be!"
"It must be a deformity!"
"It's impossible!"
"Should we tell an Elder?"
   These were the comments following my birth. Not the usual joy at a new member of the Tribe, but that's because I wasn't really a member. Or was I? That was the problem. No one knew.
   I wasn't born like the other foals in The Tribe Of Unicorn, with a small pearly horn and a silky, delicate mane. I had the horn and the mane, but I also had wings. Large, violet-tipped wings that shimmered beautifully against my ivory coat. But my wings were what started it all.
   Immediately after my birth, someone had gone to the Elders, the wisest members of the Tribe. With 2 stallions and 2 mares, they governed their Tribe in the way they saw best. The oldest Elder, who the Tribe Of Unicorn called Wisdom, was the head of all the Elders. He was even more powerful than all the Tribe's Elders put together. And I met him the first night of my life.
   When Wisdom first saw me, his face fell. He stared at me and my mother in silence for a few moments until he finally said, "Since it was Shura who told me, I figured it was a joke. But I can see she was serious."
"I can explain." My mother Ymir curled herself tighter around my sleeping form.
"I'd like to hear it."
"I..." she hesitated, her gaze dropping to my sleeping body, my oversized wings folded around me. When she spoke, her voice was a whisper. "I fell in love."
"With Pegasus scum." He glared at her, then at me. Mother stared at him in silent defiance, then Wisdom's gaze softened. "I must discuss this with the Elders. But I must warn you, they may not be as calm as I am." He looked into Mother's eyes. "They may order his execution."
"They won't." She sounded so sure. Wisdom only hoped she was right.

"A cross-Tribe foal? Are you sure?" Tymber, one of the stallion Elders, asked in shock. "It could be a mistake."
"A mistake it was." Snarled one of the mares. "A bloody terrible mistake. Pegasus scum should mate with other Pegasus scum, not one of the fine Unicorns of our Tribe."
"Let's be reasonable, Goru." Wisdom replied calmly, his long pearly horn shining in the moonlight. "We shouldn't make any brash decisions. After all, this is the life of a foal we're talking about."
"Yes, let's be reasonable." The other mare, Suraki, added calmly. "Let's talk about this calmly in the morning."
"Alright then," Wisdom nodded, his ivory horn glinting in the moonlight. "We shall gather with the Tribe Of Pegasus tomorrow."
The grouchy Elder Goru gasped. "The Tribe Of Pegasus?" She scowled. "Why must we tell them?"
"She's partly their foal too!" Tymber snapped back. "It's only fair to tell them!"
"Enough!" Wisdom interrupted. "I said we'll talk about this tomorrow."
Goru opened her mouth to say something else when Wisdom snapped his teeth at her. "Did I stutter? Go back to your dens!"
"Yes, brother." The other Elders pointed their horns to the ground as a sign of respect before walking out of Wisdom's den.
"Why must I always deal with these ridiculous issues?" he wondered aloud. Wisdom walked to his nest to go to sleep when he passed by a shimmering puddle in a dip in the ground. The stars themselves seemed trapped in its stone-cold waters. He felt drawn to it almost as if it was calling to him. Wisdom found himself staring into its cold waters for a few moments before he saw the stars start to spin. The shape they formed was that of a Unicorn-Pegasus foal, and he knew immediately who it was. The foal galloped on through the stars of the pool before spreading her magnificent wings and flying away. Wisdom found himself fascinated with the stars in the puddle and the foal reflected in it, watching it intently. Then suddenly, a voice seemed to appear out of nowhere.  "Beware the wings, for they may fail. Beware the horn, it may impale. Beware the hooves of fiery steel. Beware sweet words, the thunder's peal."

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