2:The audition

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The lady takes us to this room with a couple security guards I assume and she asks our names and get our parents . Our parents furiously walk in and my dad is trying to keep his cool so he looks a little constipated. I start giggling . 

 "So you think this is funny!" She says smacking the table . 

 " Um no. " I have a bit of an attitude not gonna lie .

 "Then wipe that ugly smirk off your face and stop giggling it sounds like nails on a chalk board . I stand up, but then Niall pulls me back down . My face is so red of anger . She just can't insult me like that . My dad clears his throat and she rolls her eyes to look at him . 

" Um miss you can't insult my daughter like that in front of me; she's a child for God sake! " Oh no he's gonna make a scene . I give my dad that look, so he calmed down and let me explain . 

 "Miss I had mascara all over my face ,which wouldn't come off, so I asked him to help me in the bathroom because I don't want people starring at us . He put germex on my face and now I look like this now are you happy ." I fake smile . 

" Alright fine you can go but I'm still talking to the manager and definitely the judges . " I go bug eyed completely forgetting why I'm even here . As I'm starting to walk away I spin my heels and walk up to her . 

 "Two can play at that game karen." I emphasize the name karen . 

 "What?" She furrowed her brows in confusion . Niall is just as confused as she is . My dad is trying not to laugh in the corner . I back up . I arch my back . I pop my right hip out with my hand resting on it . 

" You are what we call... " I move my hand around in her direction with a slightly disgusted face , "Karen's in America get some culture." I loosen up and take smile and leave and I'm just waiting for my dad's lecture . 

"So um Carly I guess I'm uncultured I've never heard, or seen someone call a rude lady a Karen . My dad and I start to laugh . Niall looks like a lost puppy with his big blue eyes . 

" Oh Niall , " I put my hand on his shoulder , " We have lots of catching up to do . "We all just laugh and I hug Niall . He wraps his arm around my waist I wrap my arms around him as we walk through the hallway to wait for our auditions . I'm super nervous . Before I know it they call my haunting name . 

" Here goes nothing. " I whisper to myself . Walk up on stage and my heart sinks at how many people are there . 

 "So Carly is your name right ?" I heard Simon say . I swallow the lump in my throat . 

" Um yeah Carly ,Carly Ryder . "  

"Alright Carly how old are you." 

" 15... " I'm really drawed out my age and looked away . 

"Wow are you even allowed to do this your such a little baby I hope this isn't too overwhelming ." Katy Perry said drawing everyone attention . 

"Actually no I think moving between two different countries every couple years is more overwelming." I said with a little sass . They all cocked they're heads . 

"Well well well looks like we have some fire to work with." I roll my eyes very obviously . 

"Are you sure she's allowed; she's a troublemaker isn't she?" 

" All due respect Cowel I don't think it's appropriate to talk down on me in front of me, my dad, and international television. I wouldn't want people to think less of you if they haven't already . " I say as calmly and politely as possible . Katy Perry steps in to break the tension between him and I . 

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