4. It Started When We Were Younger.

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As Y/n watches Ryujin leave, silence engulfs the house. So quiet you could hear a pin drop.He breaks this silence with a sigh. As he turns on music to continue his work. As the time passes the Playlist ends up on one song, that one song that has all sorts of memories tied to it. As the song My Boo fills the room. Memories flash his mind.


Y/n walks to his class with some of his friends as he turns to look down the hall to see Jisoo laughing surrounded by friends of her own. He smiles subconsciously as he continues up the stairs not knowing that jisoo's friends are laughing because they caught her staring at you.

At the end of school Y/n starts to walk to where his driver is waiting for him. He is about of the F4 and is the rich one of the group. He has his earbuds in. He feels someone pumping into him, he looks down to see Jisoo.

     "Are you okay?" He asks kneeling to the ground, she looks up and blushes shyly nodding, "Here let's get you up," Offering his hand, he pulls Jisoo to her feet.

     "Thank You," her voice small, shy. He smiles at the cute short girl in front of him.

         "I'm Y/n," he says still smiling down at her.

      "Jisoo," she smiles back.

            "I would love to know more about you but I can see my driver is getting impatient so take my number," He quickly scribbles his number down and puts it in her hand and starts jogging towards his driver. He looks back, "Call me," he winks getting in the car.

*End of flashback 1*

He chuckles, shaking his head as he stares at the ceiling.

You will always be my boo

He shakes his head as more memories surface. He starts thinking 'why? Why are this memories coming back.'

*Start of flashback 2*

Jisoo and Y/n are making through the amusement, wearing the animals headbands. They are making their going to final ride before Y/n takes her home. They step into the ferris wheel gondala. Y/n looks out at the scenary with his fingers intertwined with hers. He turns his head towards her. His breath taken away, the moonlight perfectly complimenting her beauty that is accompanied by the lights from the park.

        She looks at him and giggles, "Why are you staring at me?"

        "You're so beautiful," he says being his free up and caressing her cheek.

       She starts to turn red, her eyes dropping down staring at his lips before quickly turning away, "Thank you."

       Y/n turns her head back facing him, "Don't fight the feeling," they both lean in, their lips connecting. The fireworks start blasting off as they enjoy their each other's kiss.

*End of that kdrama flashback*

Y/n stares at the ceiling as more tears fall from his eyes as the song that is the perpetrator ends. Ending his emotional Rollercoaster,he wipes his tears before heading to the company like nothing happened. He's still lying to himself. He does still have feelings for that bubbly adorable jichu that grew into a beautiful successful woman.

Jisoo is currently pacing around her room trying to figure out ways to get Y/n back. Her thoughts are all about his favorite things. Like his cars that he always loved, his favorite foods, etc. She makes up her mind grabbing her things making her way down to his company. She has a bright smile on her face as she makes some quick pit stops before heading to his company. When she gets there, the receptionist recognizes her and signals her to come over.

      "Jisoo-ya~ it's been long~" the receptionist says jumping a little hold holding her hands.

       "It has been a long time," Jisoo smiles.

      "If you're here to see Y/n, he came in rather gloomy. Really bought the mood of the room down."

        "I'll try to my best in bringing his mood up as well as getting him back," she smiles heading towards the elevators,

        "You go get him~ I'll call ahead so no one stops you," the receptionist screams out. Jisoo bows slightly as she stops in front of the elevator. She takes a deep breath as the elevator doors open and she steps in.

Jisoo begins to become impatient as the elevator makes multiple stops on the other floors to let people on and off. Once the elevator reaches the top floor she hops off making her way over to his office.

     Knocking on his door, hearing that deep cold voice, "Come in."

   Entering his office slowly, his eyes trained onto his computer, "Y/n~" she calls out causing him to look up at her and his eyes widen.

      "Why are you here Jisoo?" he asks leaning back in his chair, her eyes trained on his cold eyes trying to find a hint of the Y/n she fell in love in there.

      "I'm here to get you back obviously, now come over here, I got food from your favorite hole in the wall spot," she sets three bag down on the table as Y/n reluctantly gets up and sits next to her, "Ahh~" she holds a scoop of japchae in front of him. He sighs as he takes the bite. She smiles as she opens up more of the food she bought. She really did bring all of his favorites, "is it good?" she asks, he nods slightly.

      "Thanks I guess," he says looking down at the floor. He gets another bite of the japchae.

        "Your welcome," She smiles looking at him as he looks every where around the room but her,"you know that I'm going to get you back."

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