Chapter 17

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(Y/N)'s POV: 1 week later

As the plane landed, a sinking feeling overcame me.

I should have been relieved to be away from all the stress of the case, but instead I was even more anxious.

I didn't want to be here. I wanted to get answers.

I sighed as I gathered my things and followed the other passengers off the plane.

As I watched each person exit, I wondered what their life was like. Was this just a business trip for them? Were they visiting family or friends? Maybe they were on vacation. That's probably what they thought of me as well.

They must have thought I was just going on a casual trip or coming back from one, but in reality, that was nowhere near the whole picture. It felt...odd. Nobody knew what I had just been through. My aunt and several others were murdered and instead of grieving like a normal person, I decided to join forces with a detective to find the person responsible. Then, along the way, I met a janitor who was also trying to solve the case and agreed to work with him as well. Oh and I can't forget when the house was broken into and I knocked a guy out- with a bowling pin of all things I might add. After that, I just kept going like nothing happened and somehow, unexpectedly, I became close with the detective, only to get a call shortly after that she had been murdered.

And now here I am: walking through an airport surrounded by strangers who have no idea who I am or why I'm here.

My thoughts were interrupted by two familiar figures running up to me.

"(Y/N)! We missed you so much!" My mom shouted.

I cringed in embarrassment.

Did she have to say that so loudly?

I walked up to my parents and gave them both hugs, noticing my mom holding what looked to be a gift bag.

She must have noticed my gaze because she held it up and handed it to me.

"Your dad and I got you something....something to help you....move on," she explained carefully.

I moved the brightly colored tissue paper out of the way to reveal a new phone.

I looked back up at her in disbelief.

"We got a discount on it by agreeing to turn in your old one. We're going to stop by the post office on the way home so we can mail it off," my dad commented.

I couldn't believe it.

"Wait, but I'll need to transfer all my data over first, won't I?" I questioned.

My mom laughed.

"There won't be any need for that, (y/n). Your father and I think maybe you need to start fresh. You're already moving back home and that's a start, but we think getting a new phone would be good for you too," she explained.

"I don't- I don't understand. What does my phone have to do with anything? How is getting a new one supposed to help me 'move on' or whatever? What about all my contacts? How will I be able to talk to family and friends?"

"(Y/N), don't talk back to us. Just trust us on this one. We know what's best for you. What if those people find a way to track your phone? Then what? I refuse to lose you too, (y/n). And as for contacting family and friends, your father and I can give you all the numbers you need."

I sighed. Maybe she had a point. I doubted I would be tracked by anybody though. It'd probably be best just to agree with her instead of get into a fight.

That's when I remembered EJ.


I didn't know his number by heart so if I got rid of my old phone, I would lose all contact with him. I needed him though. He wanted to solve the case just as much as I did.

I needed to think quickly.

"Oh. I didn't think about that mom.... maybe you're right. I don't want anyone to track me or anything. It's probably best I get rid of my old phone as soon as possible. Sorry for being difficult, let me just go to the bathroom real quick and then we can hurry to the post office, okay?"

"Alright, but don't take too long," she replied.

Ah, the sweet taste of victory.

I nodded my head and hurried to the nearest bathroom. There, I closed myself in a stall and took out both phones. I quickly turned on the new one and began setting it up. While it was loading, I searched for EJ's number and just as I found it, the screen on my new phone lit up, indicating it was ready to be used.

I wasted no time in putting EJ's number in.

I didn't want to take too long in the bathroom, but I wanted to send a message to him.

I decided to message him from my old phone so I wouldn't have to explain who I was or anything.

Me: I don't have a lot of time, but you need to know that some big stuff has happened. The detective I was working with was murdered and I had to move back home. I'll message you later with more details, please look for a text later.

After I sent the text, I quickly powered off both phones and put them away. Then I flushed the toilet and washed my hands so I wouldn't look suspicious.

I met back up with my parents and we walked to the car.

The drive was silent.

"Oh! I meant to ask you, do you still want to do online school?" My mom asked suddenly.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Are you sure? You don't want to go back to school with all your old friends? I'm sure they've missed you."

Ah yes, my friends.

I had a few, but... I kind of fell out of touch with them. Being away for so long and working on the case, I didn't really have time for anybody. If I'm honest, I sort of forgot about everyone.

I couldn't say that to my mom though.

"I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I don't... I don't want to have to explain everything to everyone, you know? It'll bring up memories I'm not ready to acknowledge yet..." I trailed off, hoping my lie was convincing.

"Oh, of course (y/n), I understand. We can get you a therapist if you want and you can go back to school when you're ready, okay?"


"That being said, we got a car for you to use if you need it, like to drive to your therapy appointments or anywhere you might need to go if we aren't home. I put the keys on your bed, but I can't imagine you'll want to leave the house for a while, right?"

"Yeah... I think I need to spend some time relaxing before I go anywhere..."

"Good, it's better for you to be at home where your dad and I can watch over you."

I mentally scoffed.

I was almost 18, I didn't need them to babysit me.

The rest of the drive was silent, as was the walk inside the house.

"I'm going to unpack and then go to sleep," I explained, not waiting for a reply before heading to my room.

I fell into my bed and sighed.

"Now what?" I asked.

1255 words
Thoughts? Comments?
EJ content in the next chapter, I promise!

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