Chapter 29

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Sleeping next to (y/n) was everything I never knew I needed.

For years, maybe even decades, I've known nothing but killing for food and following orders. There was no room for games, messing around, or romance. Life was all work and no play.

And I was okay with that.

Except meeting (y/n) made me realize I wasn't.

I stared up at the ceiling as she slept soundly beside me.

I wanted so many things with her, but it all seemed impossible.

I couldn't date her, not unless I wanted Slenderman to kill her for being a distraction.

And even if I did, she was still human, I would outlive her seeing as Im not really among the living as it is.

I don't really think that I can give her the kind of life she deserves, but fuck me if I wasn't going to selfish as hell and want her anyway.

My fantasies were cut off by an oncoming headache, one that pierced my brain and demanded all of my attention. A headache so strong, the world seemed to spin around me and nausea took over my senses.

It was Slenderman.

He was calling me back to the mansion.


I turned to (y/n) and promised myself I would come back to her.

Then I left as quick as I could and raced to the mansion.

My head pounded as time drove on, urging me to move faster.

What did he need from me?

I pushed open the doors and rushed straight to his office, sliding inside and bringing myself to stand in front of him.

"Yes sir?" I asked, slightly out of breath, but trying not to let it show.

"Jack. Let's not waste time. I know you are loitering about a human's residence. Fraternizing with said human when you should be focusing on completing your mission. And do not attempt to fool me by claiming it is vital to your mission. Surely, sharing a bed is not necessary? Surely you know any affection at all is not needed. I am always watching child, and frankly, I have seen far more than I would like. Cut things off immediately or I shall send someone to do it for you," he lectured, his voice booming in my head and instilling a sense of doom into me.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Think quickly, Jack. Think. Think. Think.

"Sir.. if I may.. I believe that this human can be valuable to us. I will admit I may have gotten slightly carried away, however this human possesses access to large quantities of resources that we ourselves cannot access. She not only has ties to the police, which can aid in clearing our names or saving us from execution, but she also has a profound skill for deduction and reason and has played a large role in my mission. These are not the only benefits she could bring to us, but I will allow you a chance to speak now, sir, if you so wish," I explained, nodding my head curtly at the end.

"My child, we cannot have a human among our ranks. It is far too risky and you know this."

"Then what if she joins us and denounces her human status. What if she becomes a creepypasta like the rest of us?"

"And how will she do that child? She has no story, no awakening, no origin. Jeffrey was burned, Tobias' family killed, Benjamin drowned, need I go on? None of them simply became a pasta overnight, my child. Do you not recall how you came to be yourself?"

"She has what it takes, though. All the possibly is there. I can tell shes close to losing it- to falling over the edge and killing with no mercy nor regret. Is that not sufficient for you? She has clearly stated she wants to be the hand that ends the life of all those I am seeking out to kill. She has clearly expressed her desire to make them suffer. And she has clearly demonstrated that she plans to carry out these wishes at my side the second opportunity strikes. Once that has occurred, would she not be eligible to join our ranks? Would she not have proved her capability? Tell me sir, is that not all you would need to approve of her?"

Slenderman didn't reply for several moments.

I waited impatiently for anything- any sign of what he was thinking.

"I see you are very passionate about this subject, and you have made many points that I cannot ignore. However, this is not something that the human can do with your help. That being said: if you wish for her to join us, then she must carry out the elimination on her own, with no interference from you or anyone else. You will not be permitted to assist her or prevent her death. If the human fails, then the consequence will be death, whether it is by the hands of other humans, or by my own. Am I understood?"

Holy fuck, he really heard me out.

"Yes sir. Am I correct to assume that you will be spectating the ordeal? Would it be out of line to request I join you in observation?"

I needed to be there.

Even if I can't help her, I want to be there whether its her final moment or the beginning of her rebirth.

"I will grant your request. But if you make any motion to assist the human, I will end her life."

"Yes sir."

"When do you estimate this will take place?"

"I would like to give her time for preparation but as soon as it is plausible to attack then I shall inform you, sir."

"Very well, you may leave now."

"Thank you, sir," I replied as I turned away and exited the room.

I cant believe I actually pulled that off.

Now I just need to get back to (y/n) and tell her the news... well.. maybe after I held her in my arms again for a bit.

Surely her fate could wait to be decided until we got some cuddling time in, right?

1029 words
Side note- for some reason the bolding and italics were not working T^T will fix this as soon as I can :p
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