Chapter 30

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(y/n)'s POV:

I woke up to the feeling of Jack's arms around me and his head nuzzled against my neck. I held back the urge to squeal and instead relaxed myself further into his touch, letting out a soft sigh.

"G'morning.." I heard him mumble, pulling me closer.

"Good morning, Jack. Sleep well?"

A pause.

"Not really.. Ill tell you about it later. Let me hold you a bit longer," he replied.

Instead of wasting time wondering why he couldn't sleep, I made myself comfortable and enjoyed the moment.

At least thats what I wish I could have done but my brain had other plans.

Was I snoring? Do I even snore? Is that why he couldn't sleep?

Or maybe I was moving around a whole bunch in my sleep?

Or did he just stay up wondering how to tell me that we couldnt keep doing this and that he needed to leave and never talk to me again and Id have to move far away or be killed because I know too much????

Okay maybe that last one was a little much.

Yet still, the thoughts ate away at me until finally I couldn't take it anymore.

"So how come you didn't sleep well? Insomia or something?" I asked casually. (It definitely wasn't very casual).

Jack sighed and unwrapped his arms from around me.

Ooooh no. I fucked up. I fucked up.

"No.. the truth is I didn't have the chance to sleep. I received a summons and needed to leave for a while. There was an important discussion to be had," he explained.

I turned around to face him and sat up in the bed, waiting for him to continue.

He sighed before going on, "It was about you actually, y/n), which is what we need to talk about. My boss- er.. well.. he didnt like that Ive been spending time with you, and he wanted me to get rid of you. Dont freak out though!!! Let me finish before you punch me in the dick again please!" he exclaimed, reaching to shield himself.

"Hm. Go on then..." I replied, squinting at him and preparing to defend myself if the need arose.

"I was able to convince him that you're an asset to the mission. I even introduced the idea of you joining the rest of us.. but.. well.. he had some comments about that..." he scratched his head and sighed.

I listened intently as he went on the explain the full conversation and when he finished, I took a few moments to process the information that had been given to me.

I needed to kill these guys on my own?

Could I even do that?

"Before you take them on, I'll help you train for it as best as I can, but we're on a time crunch. Boss wants them taken out as soon as possible, meaning you can't train forever and we need to prepare you as fast as we can," Jack commented, sighing and rubbing his face in what seemed to be frustration.

"Okay. Lets get going then," I stated.


"You heard me. Let's start training. I cant afford to lose a single second."

Jack went on to restate all the information we already knew, pointing out that this would be no easy task.

I was up against six people, possibly more. All most likely men, meaning they'd probably be bigger and stronger than me. Not to mention there wasn't really a way to take them on one-on-one. Therefore, I needed a strategy to immobilize them so I could take them on at my own pace and not all at once.

EJ and I went over all of our possible options: from knives to guns, axes and everything in between.

Every weapon came with its own advantage and disadvantages but given the situation, I needed something with little to no disadvantage.

"Have you ever heard of kunai? They're a type of throwing knife. Lightweight but still deadly. Easy to obtain and they don't require ammunition or a ton of training. You can use them for close range attacks and distance. Only disadvantage is retrieving the ones you throw but if you carry enough of them, you should be okay. They're silent too. You can probably take a few guys out without the others noticing if you do it right. What do you think?" EJ questioned, tilting his head.

"Kunai? Those are one of the things ninjas use right? Id look pretty badass if I took all those guys out with that, wouldn't I?" I smirked, imagining all the possibilities.

Jack made a good argument for them, and I couldnt think of any flaw to them.

We had already ruled out most of the other weapons for one reason or another, so this seemed to be the best option.

"Where are we gonna get them from, though?" I asked, trying to think of a store that sells that type of weapon.

"Oh don't you worry your pretty little head about that," EJ grinned," I just so happen to know a guy."

Sure enough, after a short wait, and promising not to leave my room, Jack walked back in with a whole case of the throwing knives.

"You ready to get some practice in?" He smirked, twirling one of the kunai with his finger.

We set up a makeshift range in the backyard, using some old logs as targets. Jack spraypainted some dots on each of them, serving as my places to aim for.

I took a deep breath and grabbed one of the knives, locking my eyes on one of the dots and giving my best throw.

A miss.

It took some getting used to, but eventually, I got the hang of it.

I had done target practice with guns at the police station, but throwing a knife was a little different than shooting a gun.

Despite that, my experience served to benefit me in the moment, decreasing the time I needed to feel confident in my abilities.

After I mastered hitting dormant targets, we moved on to practicing with moving targets.

Over the next couple of days, I was sure I could take out a few cultist-wannabes.

And EJ practiced hand-to-hand combat with me too, just in case, of course.

All that was left was to wait for the right moment to strike.

I grinned at the thought of finally taking out those bastards.

1078 words
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