Chapter 1

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My eyes slowly open, they are still sore from last night. I rub my eyes until I could properly see that Inojin was gone.

So he left me after all, what he said yesterday was probably just a lie to make me feel better.

I knew it, Inojin's a liar he doesn't love me he pity's me just like everyone else.

But I can't help but frown I love him, but he just doesn't love me, and it hurts whenever I think about it.

I looked to left at my kunai drawer it seems like inojin took every last one of them he even left a note.

I climbed back onto my bed confused. Does he like me? Or is it just to keep me from killing myself.

Tears started to run down my face I hated it. I hated this. I hate thinking about him, but can't help but smile whenever I think of his laugh.

I pull my blanket over my head I didn't feel like going to school today, but then again who would go to school after such a traumatizing event? A short laugh managed to come out of my mouth as I hug myself before slowly crying myself to sleep.


A knock could be heard from the door, not a single word bothered to come put of my mouth.

I could hear the door slowly opening I peeked under the covers and all I could see was the lower half of my mother with something in her hand, I had waited for her to get closer and once she did the object she was holding was no other than a knife.

I froze I could hear her muttering things such as "Mistake" "Die" "Pig" She slowly raised her right hand lifting the knife *Stab*


I quickly removed the blanket from my head and jumped up. Oh.. it was just a dream. My stomach growled.

No I can't I don't want to go back down there.. there's no way. I started shaking again the scene playing through my head again her hands around my neck, and my father's screams.

I hated it. I hated every moment of it. So I cried. And cried. And cried. To make the memory stop.

Another hour passes in my room, and by this time I'd be getting out of training.

Then I'd stall, and talk to Inojin and ChoCho. At times our conversation would turn about me and my family.

Every time they'd always ask like "what's going on?"or "Are you alright Shikadai? You've got so many bruises and scars?" I always saw no point in them asking since I gave them the same answer every time "Yeah, I'm fine.", so why bother when you know the answer will always be the same.

I'll never understand what goes on in some people's mind. Epically my... no Temari's.

Suddenly a knock could be heard from my door. It was my father.

He sat down on the bed with his hand clasped together, and he was clearly nervous.

He had something to say, but was hesitant. "Shikadai.. about yesterday," he paused, and looked me in my eyes. One singular tear drop fell from his face "Temari she's going back to the suna. She says she needed time to figure things out... Now Shikadai, what got your mom so worked up?" My father asked.

I was so silent, should I tell him? What if he does what Temari did to me? "Hey, shikadai it okay. Whatever it is. Please just tell me." He begged "Okay.. I told mom that I didn't like girls.." I said quietly slowly putting my head down.

My father put his hand on my shoulder, he could tell I was shaking "Shikadai, it's okay. I may not be to fond of the idea, but your my son and I'll love you and always accept you for who you are." Shikamaru said in a comforting tone, so I looked at him he had a huge smile on his face.

If only Temari was like dad. Accepting, Loving, and Caring. Though I hardly ever saw him because of his job he was always there for me, and that what I love about him. My dad then pulls me into a hug with me hugging him back.

After awhile dad left the room to go try,  and cook something.

I sat there on my bed staring out the window the same window Inojin came from. I sighed, picturing Inojin enter from the window.

Inojin slowly opening my window, hugging and comforting me. Him saying he loves me.

Blush quickly makes it's way to my face. I want to see Inojin again. I want him to come through the same window, and visit me.

A couple minutes later my father came in saying he made burnt ramen. How the hell do you burn ramen?? I raised a brow my dad responded with a laugh "how about we just go out to eat?" He suggested "Yeah, sure dad it'll be nice for me to get some fresh air." I said "alright I'll be waiting outside." Dad said before leaving.

I walked to the bathroom. Quickly putting up my hair, and brush my teeth. I change my clothes, and walk outside. "Well that was quick." My dad commented "I don't really care how people see me so I didn't really bother." I sighed

Me and my father walked to a ramen shop and on the way it seemed like everyone heard the news. Again more pity stares. I hated it.

Once me and my father made it the shop. We sat down and the shop owner offered us free ramen out of pity.

We took the offer cause who wouldn't want free food, am I right? While waiting for the food to come out me and dad were talking about his job and how much of a drag it is.

Then once we received our food we started to eat, which I had later stopped noticing Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki, and ChoCho.

Inojin he wasn't there. Normally Inojin is always with them, but now he's not here. Is he avoiding me? My thoughts were cut after Boruto puts his hands on my shoulders asking repeatedly if I was alright "Inojin told me what happened, are you okay shikadai???" Boruto looked as if he was gonna cry along with the others more pity stares except Mitsuki he wore his usual smile.

My dad gave me a confused look not knowing what they were talking about "Please Shikadai! Don't kill yourself!!!!" Boruto cried "What?" Shikamaru asked "You didn't know?" Boruto said wiping a tear.

This is one of the things I hate about Boruto he can never keep his mouth shut. "Boruto let's go somewhere else and leave Shikadai and his father be." Said Sarada crossing her arms "Awwww!!!! But I wanna eat!!!" Cried ChoCho "We can always go somewhere else ChoCho." Said Mitsuki with a smile.

Boruto and the others dragged themselves out leaving a confused Shikamaru and a Hopless Shikadai.

"Shikadai, what was that? Did you really try to well... you know.. off yourself??" Shikamaru questioned "Can we talk about this when we go home?"I said in a cold tone.

Shikamaru didn't want to push so he nodded and stayed quiet. The two Nara's finished their food and the two walked home silently.



AN: Hello! 1st chapter finished  I stayed up all night making this just to fall asleep and for half of it to not save :(  but anyways just another quick note if you see the word he'll * it most likely that I was trying to say hell but autocorrect decided to add its little 2 cents and change it ^^ so if you see that word I probably ment to say hell  🙊. Be sure to tell me what you think and how much you're enjoying the story! 🐒

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